牛津樹(shù) 1-3級(jí) 閱讀挑戰(zhàn)
親子閱讀 (38.0%)  泛讀 (27.3%)  自主閱讀 (14.2%)
閱讀年齡 4-5歲 (23.0%), 3-4歲 (19.4%)
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閱讀年齡 5-6歲 (21.9%), 4-5歲 (21.0%)
閱讀年齡 2-3歲 (18.3%), 3-4歲 (18.2%)
閱讀年齡 5-6歲 (22.6%), 4-5歲 (20.2%)
閱讀年齡 2-3歲 (18.9%), 3-4歲 (18.3%)
閱讀年齡 3-4歲 (25.6%), 4-5歲 (21.1%)
【牛1-20】【susan精讀筆記】 L1-20 Can You See Me? ●Cover Monkey, what's wrong? The supermarket is so big, I can't see any bananas. Pat, pat, pat, don't worry monkey! I wil help you later. But first, why don't we enjoy the book together? It's ca led Can You See Me? Can you see me? what? ●Page 1: Um, there it is! Here comes Kipper, and Kipper says, can you see my teddy bear? Teddy bear? Wow, I see so many toys. Now everyone, why don't we help Kipper together? Let's go over them together, OK? I see a dog, frog, dog, monster, superman, cat, oh, there it is , I see the teddy bear, behind this white cat. Do you see it? You say, yes, I can see the teddy bear. Good job everyone. ●Page 2-3 Wow, we're in the yard now. And here we have Kipper. Can you see my dog? What's missing? Floppy! Floppy is missing! Wow, I believe Floppy must be hiding somewhere. Let's see, we got teddy bear, a tent, an orange tent, and then we have a padding pool, oh, there it is, Floppy! Floppy is hiding in the boskage. ●Page 4-5 Wow, I see so many pictures on this page. Can you see my picture of a big red frog? OK, we are Looking for a big,red frog. Let's go over, let's find something red first. I think that is very logical. This is ye low, let's find something red, this is a red bird, this is a red house, this is a red person. Ah, something is red, is this a big red frog? Yes. So let's say it together. I can see the big red frog. Good job. ●Page 6-7 And then, what's our task now? Can you see my tiger, if you Look in the tree? OK, I see one, two, three, three trees. Can you see the tiger? Oh, is this the tiger? No, no, no, Look closely, this is a cat. Where is the tiger? There it is! The tiger is in the tree over here. Let's get it down. So are you Looking? Yes, and I am not just Looking. I see it. Look, I see the tiger in the tree. ●Page 8 And again, can you see me? Kipper is hiding too? Can you find Kipper everybody? Is this Kipper? No, it's a monster. And is this Kipper? No, it's a tiger. Is this Kipper? No, this is a cat! Oh, there it is! He is Kipper! ●Ask and answer OK, monkey, why don't we review some of the important words? 1, (P1) Can you tel me what this is? He is a superman, good job, he is a superman. 2, (P2-3) And what's this monkey? It's a paddling pool. Good job, monkey, it's a paddling pool. 3, (P4-5) And what's this? It's a big red frog. Good, it's a big red frog. 4, (P6-7) And then, next page, where is the tiger? The tiger is in the tree. 5, (P8) And what do you see on the wal? the monster, I can see the monster, good job. You can see the monster. Monkey, where are you? I can't see you anywhere. Can you see bananas monkey? I see chips, I see vegetables, I see yoghurt, I see pasta, I see meat, I see chicken nuggets, I see pizzas, I see bread, I see cakes, I don't see bananas. Oh, I see bananas!
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閱讀年齡 5-6歲 (21.8%), 4-5歲 (20.1%)
閱讀年齡 2-3歲 (19.0%), 3-4歲 (18.8%)
【牛1-14】【susan精讀筆記】 L1-14 Floppy's Bone ●Cover Helo, everyone. Welcome back to read with Susan. Today we are gonna read Floppy's Bone. Hey, monkey! I have a question for you. Do you know what a dog likes to eat? Easy, Susan. Of course, Bananas! What, bananas? No, no, no. A monkey likes to eat bananas. A dog likes to eat bones. Now Look, Mum is giving Floppy a very big bone. Wow! Floppy must be very happy. ●Page 1 And there it is lying comfortably on the grass with one eye open, the other one closed, and there's the bone. It wants to enjoy it later. Um, a dog is coming? It comes a very smal dog. What does the smal dog want? Maybe the dog wants to eat the bone. So Floppy had a bone and the dog wants to eat it. Oh, my! ●Page 2-3 Oh, no! Look, a dog took the bone! That's the smal dog. And then Floppy ran after the dog. So the dog started to run and Floppy started to run too. Oh no, what happened to Mum's laundry? Oh no! Al the clean clothes are scattered here and there. Oh no, and Look, some stockings got entangled onto Floppy. ●Page 4-5 Oh, my! Come back, said Mum, come back! Because Mommy wants to get the clothes back. And then she ran after Floppy. Come back, come back, and there's daddy. daddy is cleaning the golf club, golf club. Look, there are so many golf clubs and golf ba ls and everything. And then the dog ran. ●Page 6-7 Oh no, that's not good! Come back, said dad, come back! Everybody! Come on! Stop the dogs! He ran after Mum. So wow, so many people are running. And then Look, there are some children, that's Chip and Biff. They are flying the kite. Look, the kite. ●Page 8-9 The dogs ran passed the children. And Look, here's the kite. Oh my Floppy, Look, what you have got on you? Stockings, golf clubs, golf ba ls and the kite. Oh my god! Floppy was running after the dog, Mum was running after the dogs, Dad was running after Mum and the dogs, and then Kipper and Biff are running after them. Wow, it's a long train of people, uh? Come back, said Biff and Chip, they ran after dad. Come on, come on, stop the dogs. ●Page 10-11 Why did the smal dog stop? Floppy stopped, Daddy stopped, Mommy stopped, everybody stopped in a bump together. What happened? Woof woof, Oh, no! Here is a very big dog. Looked at the smal dog, the smal dog is so scared. So the dog stopped, a big dog took the bone. It's mine! ●Page 12 Oh, no! And here is the big dog chewing the yummy bone. Look at the sharp teeth. The big dog ate the bone. Oh no! And everyone was hiding here by the wal. Oh, my bone! OK, now I have a question for you monkey. Do you know why they al stopped? Easy! Because the big dog was so fierce. Yes, monkey, you're right. That's so fierce, they must hide. OK? They don't want to make the big dog angry. ●Ask and answer 1, (P1) What's this? It's a bone. 3, (P4-5) What are these? They are golf clubs. 2, (P2-3) And, what are these, monkey? Stockings. 4, (P6-7) Monkey, what's this? It's a kite. 5, (P8-9) And what are they doing monkey? They're chasing the dog. 6, (P10-11) Oh, what happened here? They bumped together. 7, (P12) And who is eating the big bone? The big dog.
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閱讀年齡 5-6歲 (21.1%), 4-5歲 (20.7%)
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