
2020-9-11 20:03 原創(chuàng) · 圖片4

復習3a unit2 Pull the rope

2. Reading:海尼曼隨機十本 
3. Video:無 
4. 游戲/手工/Field trip

1.Act it out 
Dad: Ok J, let's play a game. We will act out the song pull the rope ok? 
J: Ok. 
Dad: Now hold my hands, we will pull back and forth like this and we will sing the song ok? 
J: Ok, I will try. 
Together:Pull, pull, pull the rope. 
Pull with all your might. 
Harder, harder, don' t let go! 
Hold on very tight. 
Dad: Ok J, I will pull you with all my might. 
Now we will sing it again ok? This time you can pull daddy. 
J: Ok.

2.Rabbits, pull the rope 
Dad: Ok J, this time we will be rabbits ok? 
J: Ok. 
Dad: Do you know what rabbits like to eat? 
J: Carrots. 
Dad: Yes they like to eat carrots. Yum! Look at the rope, there is a carrot on it. Let's play tug of war to get the carrot. Do youwantto start the game? 
J: Ok. 1, 2, 3, go! 
Dad: Yeah daddy won this carrot! Let's try again, ok? 
J: Ok. 1, 2, 3, go! I won!

3.Pull the turnip 
Dad: Ok J, you are going to be a big turnip.. 
J: Ok. 
Dad: Now sit down here,I will pull you up from the ground. Let's go! 
Dad: Yes I got you! Now I am going to eat you! Yum! Do you want to try? 
J: Yes I want to try. 
Dad: Ok, I will sit down, and you wiIl pull me up from the ground.

4.The big turnip 
Dad:J , Now I am a big turnip. I will sit down and you will try to pull me up from the ground. Let's go! 
Dad: Oh, I am too big. You can't get me up from the ground. What should you do? You can ask mommy for help. 
J: Mommy, help. 
Mum: Yes, let's pull together. Ready? 1, 2,3, go! Pull harder J. Pull with all your might. 
J: We did it! We got the turnip.

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