
2019-5-13 23:16 原創(chuàng) · 圖片5


2. Reading:

3. Video:無

4. 游戲/手工/Field trip

1.Finger play.

 Dad: Joyce,I will do the finger play. Can you follow me? Make a chimney like this. This is Santa. Now, this is the top. Open the lid. Out Santa will pop.

2.Santa will pop out.

Dad: Joyce, here is a chair. I will hide behind the chair. Let's sing the song. When we sing"Santa will pop" ,Dad will jump out.


Dad: Let's play. Here is the chimney......

Merry Christmas. This is for you. Come on Joyce, your turn.


3.Make a chimney. 

Daddy: Joyce, come here. See, here is a box. Let's pretend it's a chimney. J: Ok. Daddy: The top of this box is a lid. Can you show me the top of the chimney? J: Yes. Daddy: Good. Can you open the lid? J: I can open the lid. Daddy: Great. Now you are Santa. please get into the box.Can you open the lid? J: Ok. Daddy: Good job. Let's play. Daddy & J: Here is the chimney. Here is the top. Open the lid. Out Santa will pop.

4. Open the lid

Dad: Joyce,Steven, Mum, come here. Let's play a game. Now, Joyce squat down in the middle. Everyone else hold hands, let's make a circle. Good. Put your hands down.

Let's sing the song and do some actions. Now, follow me. Here is the chimney(stand straight), here is the top( put arms in the middle), open the lid(stretch arms up), out Santa will pop( J jump high)

Ok, do you want to play it one more time? Great. Here we go. 

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