手繪動(dòng)物園一日游cut & paste

2020-5-6 21:34 原創(chuàng) · 圖片4

自從朋友介紹辦了動(dòng)物園年卡,無時(shí)無刻樂哥兒都和外公外婆炫耀,你去過動(dòng)物園嗎?我?guī)闳?,我有卡,刷卡就可以進(jìn) ??


尋思著扔好像不大好,墊魚骨頭好像浪費(fèi),隨手翻到會(huì)對(duì)外公外婆炫耀他都看到了啥,既然如此,那就好好利用干點(diǎn)活吧 …… ??




Mum: Look at the box and pick out the animls u saw yesterday.

Lawrence: We c some elepants!

M: Yes, we saw some  elephants. What were they doing when we saw them? 

L: They r making poo poo!??

M: How was their poo poo? 

L: Yucky!

M: Oh, it smells yucky. What about the size? Is it big? What about the color?

L: It is big and it is green. 

M: why is it green? What did they eat? 

L: They eat grass. 

M: They ate grass so their poo poo was green, right? They don't eat meat. So they r not carnivorous. They are herbivorous. 


野生動(dòng)物到我家: 倫敦動(dòng)物園雙語科普繪本系列89人有 · 評(píng)價(jià)12 · 書評(píng)2(英)麗莎·里根,瑪拉·伯格曼,喬納森·埃米特,莎拉·伊森,凱利·伯恩 著;凱利·卡斯韋爾,艾米麗·博勒姆,柯爾斯頓·科利爾,馬克·錢伯斯 繪;何嘉珞,艾瑪 譯中信出版社 / 2017-05

L: Why is this elephant stay alone? 

M: Why does this elephant stay alone?


M: Let me c. Oh~ This elephant ??has a long tusk, but the others don't have. Maybe the zookeepers seperate him just in case that he may hurt others with his long tusk. 

L: Why does the other elephants have no tusk? 

M: Why do the other elephants have no tusk? Maybe they dropped them, or maybe someone takes them.  




L: Next, we c the hippopotamus.

RAZ果真是開口神器,Apple Tree學(xué)了幾次next then, 就很喜歡用。 

2級(jí)RAZ GK5341人有 · 評(píng)價(jià)4806 · 書評(píng)52Learning A to Z 無聊枯燥但是有營養(yǎng)

M: what were they doing when we saw them? 

L: They r staying under the water. 

M: Why r they staying under the water? 

L:  Because it is cool! 

M: How many hippo did u c? 

L: I c two! 

M: What did they eat?

L: I don't know.(最近說到他不知道,不像以前一樣那么喜歡胡謅亂編故事了,直接沮喪地坦白...)

M: They eat grass and crops. So we call them herbivorous too. 

Crocodile鱷魚 ??VS Alligator短吻鱷


M: Do u remember we saw the alligators and the crocodiles? They kept the alligator in a small glass cage while the crocodile lives in the bay. 

L: Yes, I do. 

M: Do u know the differences between crocodiles and alligators? 

L: I don't know. 

M: The alligator's snout is different from that of the crocodile.

L: What does snout mean? 

M: It means the front part of the mouth. 

 The alligator's lower jaw fits into the upper jaw. So u cannot c their lower teeth when they close their mouths. Therefore, their mouths r powerful than the crocodiles. 


M: They have sth in common. 

L: What is it? 

M: They both eat meat. So we call them carnivorous. 


L: We c some pandas! 

M: Yes, what were they doing when we saw them? 句型重復(fù)使用when

培生分級(jí)閱讀中學(xué)過,When I was a baby, I looked up at my mum.  

2級(jí)培生幼兒英語第一輯 預(yù)備級(jí)32882人有 · 評(píng)價(jià)21336 · 書評(píng)247莫妮卡·休斯 編湖北少年兒出版社 / 2015-02

L: They were crawling everywhere. 

M: What do they eat? 

L: They eat bamboo. 

M: They also eat meat. So they r not herbivorous or carnivorous. We call them omnivorous because they eat both meat and vegetable. 

順勢講解了一下肉食動(dòng)物carnivores ,雜食動(dòng)物omnivores ,食草動(dòng)物herbivores 的概念,連線認(rèn)知,發(fā)現(xiàn)連線比較無聊??,于是換成了對(duì)應(yīng)種類涂色,分類。


L: How much do u weigh, anteater?


L: oh! We need to put the ?? into the circus train! 

M: why?

L: because they can do tricks! They r magicians ??!

M: how did u know?

L: the fly guy told me!

可不是嗎?Ride Fly Guy里曾經(jīng)提及蒼蠅小子飛進(jìn)了??鼻子里,??在Circus train,沒想到小家伙全記住了呢!

2,5級(jí)Ride, Fly Guy, Ride!566人有 · 評(píng)價(jià)357 · 書評(píng)7Tedd ArnoldScholastic / 2012-03


覺得??可能會(huì)寂寞,樂又想邀請(qǐng)別的小動(dòng)物乘坐他的馬戲團(tuán)????火車,who wanna take a ride and do some tricks?!


M: do u remember there’s one animal can do the tricks and spin the ball?


M: we need to feed the seal some fish?? so that he can do some tricks!



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