
2022-1-18 19:23 原創(chuàng) · 圖片8


Today,I also watched some interesting videos and have a lot of thinks to tell you. 
In other way,I watched many videos about FoFTG and q3GG,they always bring us a lot of nice things in a game called MC. 
They can do some things what few people can do.They let me know that everything just you want to do,in the end,you can do it.They not only players in bilibili,but also someone who told me to keep on working,till you get to the end of chance. 
Today's knowledge is about History in China and between the Soviet Union and the United States.Yang Jingyu is a hero in the Chinese Army.I think everyone know him.But,today I learned more about him through a up in bilibili called History Research room. By him I also learn the Twilight Struggle. 
The article above is all my thinks about my videos what I saw.I think you will read it till end,right?

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