1b Unit4 Apple備課

2019-6-26 11:45 原創(chuàng)

1.Cartoon time 

Apple round. apple red,apple juicy,apple sweet .

Apple Apple ,I love you. 

Apple sweet ,I love to eat. 

2.Family fun1

M:Hi. Arnow. Today we are gonna find out what's inside of these fruit OK?


M:And the different shapes in different fruits, OK? 

So let's cut this Apple open to see what's inside.All right. 


M:So take my knife,and cut down the middle that this. All right. Wow, There's a shape in there.What does this look like to you? 

A:A star. 

M:That's right. It looks like a star,doen't it?

I wonder what's inside a lemon?

Let's cut the lemon in half. 

Be very careful again. Knives are very sharp. 


A:It looks like an orange. 

M:It does look like oranges. Yeah. To me, it looks kind of like the sun. Right?


M:Yeah, like the sun. All right, let's take a banana. 

Let's cut the banana in half. Interesting. 

What does that look like to you? 

It looks like a puppy dog. 


M:Yeah, like a puppy?With ears and a mouth.

Okay. Let's try and cut this big one next. 

All right, here we go. Oh, wow, so soft. 

I wonder what the middle looks like. 

Just be very careful. Wow, look at that. 

It's so interesting. What does that look like to you? 

A:It looks like a star.

M:Yeah, a star or like a sunflower, right? 


M:Yeah, That look great. 

Okay, one last one. This is a kiwi.

A:What is the kiwi? 

M:A kiwi is a fruit, a different type of fruit. 

It's a little bitter but sweet. Let's try. 

M:Wow, it's soft too.

What does that look like? 

A:The sun. 

M:That does look like the sun. 

This one looks really like the sun.

You wanna smell ?

A:Oh, no, It's so sour?

M:Mm,a little bit sour, But it tastes sweet when you try it. Try and cut fruit with your parents. 

3.Family fun2

M:Hey, Arnow, look at all these blocks we have here. 

A:Wow so many blocks. 

M:That's right. What can you do with blocks?

A:Count them and build them. 

M:That's right. And you can also make pictures. 


M:Yeah, see.Are you have to do is take some paint. Put it on the plate like this. And then we take one of our blocks like this. You see? We press it really hard into the paint. And then we take a piece of paper. And press down on the paper to make a shape.

And wow.What type of shape is that?


M:That's right. It's a rectangle. And we can also take a felt pen like this. And draw on the rectangle.And now, what is it? 

A:It looks like a bag. 

M:That's right. A bag or a suitcase. And we can make other shapes,too.So we can take two triangles. 

Like this.Press into our paint.Like that. And then press them together on the paper. Take our pen, our felt pen. Draw a little something in the middle. And what we got?

A:A fish. 

M:That's right. Looks like a fish, doesn't it? Look, the fish's swimming. See?


M:Yeah, cool. 

And we can make other pictures,too.Arnow.

Now let's try a new picture. 

We're gonna take a new color. 

And pour on our plate. OK?

And now let's take the rectangle.But let's turn it upside down with the square in.OK?

And we are gonna put it onto the paper. 

Press really hard. Twice. There we go. 

Take our felt pen.Let's give it some eyes.

There we go.And some feet.

And then a mouth.Like this. 

And now we have a new picture. See, what is it? 

A:It's a frog. 

M:That's right. It's a frog. 

You wanna sing the frog's song?


M:Ok.here we go. 

"Mn ah!"went the little green frog one day. 

"Mn ah!"went the little green frog.

"Mn ah!"went the little green frog one day.

And the little green frog went

"Mm,ah,mm,ah,mm,ah ah"

M:Good job, all right. Let's pick a different shape.How about this one? OK?Yeah. Now we're gonna take the red with the paint. We're gonna put the red paint on the other plate. And now you're gonna press down really hard, really hard.

Yeah, good job. Now you're gonna press down on the paper. Yeah, Hold it.Good.Now take it off.  

Now we're gonna take a felt pen. 

We're gonna draw a stem and maybe a little leaf here 

And now we have a new picture. 

What does that look like? 

A:Looks like an apple. 

M:That's right. An apple

Can you sing the apple song with me?


M:Oh, okay, here we go. 

Apple round. apple red,apple juicy,apple sweet .

Apple Apple ,I love you. 

Apple sweet ,I love to eat. 

M:Oh, so good. Let's make another picture. Arnow.OK?


M:We're gonna take a segment like this. 

And we're gonna press into the paint.

Press really hard. 

Can you press this piece into this paint here like that?

Yes, press really hard.  

Got to get that paint on.

Good. looks like that. Yeah.OK.And press it in there.

Make sure it fits. Good job, Press really hard. 

Wow, you're strong.Good job. 

Now, we're gonna take our felt pen.

And now we are gonna draw some lines. 

To give it more to the picture. 

And now what do we have,Arnow? 

A:A fan.

M:That's right, a fan.Good job. 

Now, I will make one more. OK?

We're gonna take this circle. 

Press on our paint again. 

A:I know you wanna you make an Apple. 

M:No, not an Apple. 

We've already make an Apple. 

What are we gonna make now?

This time, we're gonna make a new photo. 

Looks like an ice-cream, right? 

We're just gonna add some.

And now we get, what? 

A:An Ice-cream. 

M:That's right. Do you like ice-cream? 


M:I love ice-cream. 

Let's go get some ice-cream, OK?

4.Family fun4

M:Hey.Arnow.Have a look at this beautiful picture I have here.

Do you know what it is? 

A:It's a house.

M:Yeah. And what about this one here? 

A:This is a door. 

M:And what color is it? 

A:It's yellow. 

M:Yeah, it's a rectangle. What about this one? 

A:This is a window .

M:What color is it? 

A:It's green.

M:And do you know what shape it is? 

A:It's circle .

M:Yeah.And what about this one upon the top?

What is that? 

A:It's a chimney.

M:And what color is it? 

A:It's orange .

M:And is it also a rectangle?


M:Wonderful. What about this one? This is a roof?

And what color is this?

A:It's red color.

M:Do you know what shape is it?

A:It's triangle. 

M:Yeah. What about this big one? 

A:It's a wall. 

M:And what color is it?

A:It's pink. 

M:And do you think it is a square? 


M:How about this one over here? 

This is a magical box.And we have many things to put inside. What are all these?

A:They are shapes

M:Yeah. So how about we put them into the box? 

What about this?What color is this? 

A:It's orange rectangle.

M:Perfect. And where can he go? 


M:What about this one? 

A:This is a red star. 

M:Yeah. And where can he go? 


M:That one fits!And this little one?

A:This is a red circle. 

M:Where would you put him? 


M:Yes, perfect. What about this one? 

A:This is a green triangle. 

M:and where would you put this one? 



M:What about this? What is this? 

A:This is an orange square. 

M:Where would you put him? 


M:Yes, perfect. What about this one? 

A:This is a yellow circle. 

M:Yes, Where does he go? 


M:Yes you're right.and the last little one.what is this.

A:This is a yellow triangle.

M:Yeah .And where would he go.


M:perfect very good.

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