小西媽雙語工程 201907期37號David 20191015 打卡

2019-10-17 19:33 原創(chuàng) · 圖片3

Subject: 1a U6

Listenning: 1a

Cartoon:1a U6, Alphabet song




M: Meow, Meow,David, Who am I?

D: Cat

M: Very good. I'm a little cat. I'm a feline(all the animal looks like cat, such as tiger, lion). Do you konw, what do i like to do? I like eating and sleeping. Fish are my favorit food. So take care of your fish.

D: 貓能到水里捉魚嗎?他又不會游泳,難道是用尾巴釣魚的???


M: Look at the picture.the cat don't like water. So she only  Squat by the side of the river. When the fish swim by the side. The cat will quickly use her hand to catch the fish.

M: Look at my tongue, it covered with papillae(畫圖). When i eat fish, i not only use my teeth, but also use my tongue. And i can also use my tongue to drink water and to groom my fur. I must keep my clean and beatiful.


Game 1:Cat hunt

M:David,could you cover your eyes? I'll hide some cats in our living room. You can count 1 to 10. 

D: 123.....

M:Ok. Time is up.Now you are detective. Can you find them? Let's count how many cats you find.

Game 2: Fun game

M: Place one of your hand on top of mine, and then, I put my other hand on top. Now, put your other hand to make a pile. Now the bottom hand move to the top. Chant.....

Oh, you can't get it. You can stand on the chair/stool. 

you can ask your dad to help you. You can sit on dad's shoulder.

D: Dad, can i sit on your should.(這句爸爸居然沒聽懂,感嘆兒子超過自己了) I want you to help me to play the game.

M: Just now, you stand on the chair/stool. and you should clean up your chair with you butt.

Game 3:Guessing Game

M: Let's play a guessing game. Carry your car toys to me. I need a lot of cars. Now close your eyes. No peeking. you can count 1 to 10.

D: one, two, three......

M: I hide some cars. Now guess how many cars I have?

D: 8

M: less cars

D: 7 or 10(好像不太理解more和less的意思,看完動畫,以為more是很多很多的意思,最后還是用中文稍微解釋了一下,還得做大書的練習(xí))

M: less cars

D: 5

M:Right.good job.


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