
2021-1-27 17:44 原創(chuàng)

Game 1: Tug of War 拔河游戲


1.Let's play tug of war! 我們來玩拔河游戲吧!  

2.Don't let it go , pull. 別松手,拉! 3.Hold on. 抓緊。  

4.You Win. You are so strong! 你贏了,真強(qiáng)壯!

Game 2: Tissue game 紙巾游戲


1.What is it? 這是什么?

2.It's a tissue. 這是紙巾。

3.Where is it? 它在哪里?

4.It's on my head. 它在我的頭上

5.Ah-choo! It's floating down. 阿嚏!它掉下來了!

Game 3: Straw game 插吸管游戲


1.Poke the straw in the bottle. 把吸管插入瓶子里。  

2.shake shake shake. 搖一搖

3.can you get them out ? 你能把吸管拿出來嗎 ?

4.It ‘ s open. 打開了

5.Now dump them out. 現(xiàn)在把它們倒出來。

6.you can dump the straws out. 你可以把吸管倒出來咯。

7.Twist twist twist. 扭動(dòng)

8.You did a good job ! 你做的很好! 9.It ’ s closed. 關(guān)緊了。

10.You can poke the straw in ( the bottle ) . 你可以把吸管插入瓶子里。

Game 4: Magic Bag 枕套藏寶


1.Here is my magic bag. 這是我的魔法袋 2.What's in the bag? 袋子里是什么? 3.What could it be? 會(huì)是什么呢?  

4.Let's look and see. 我們一起來看看吧 5.It's a hat. 是一個(gè)帽子

Game 5: Hide and seek 捉迷藏


1.Let's play hide and seek. 我們來玩捉迷藏吧!

2.Are you coming to find me? 你要過來找我了嗎?

3.Yes , here I am. 是的,我在這里。

4.You found me. 你找到我了。

Game 6: Cup game 杯子游戲


1.What does a cat say? Meow , meow. 小貓?jiān)趺唇??喵? 

2.Twinkle twinkle little star. 一閃一閃亮晶晶  

3.Cat says meow meow. 小貓叫喵喵 4.Dog says woof woof. 小狗叫汪汪 5.Baby's show time! 寶貝展示環(huán)節(jié)

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