
2020-3-18 19:52 原創(chuàng) · 圖片4

復(fù)習2a unit10 Five Rabbits


2. Reading:

3. Video:粉豬,超級飛俠

4. 游戲/手工/Field trip

1. Looking for carrots

 Dad:J,come here.Let's be rabbits, haha! J:Ok. Dad: What do rabbits like to eat? J:Carrots! Dad:Right!Look, I have some carrots, I will hide these carrots around the room.Being rabbits,we will look for them.Clear? J:Ok. J: I found one on the sofa. I found one near theTV.


Dad: Show me your two hands, now follow me and chant together. J:Ok. Dad:Look, the five fingers stand for five rabbits. When you hear "hiding in the woods one day."you right hand makes a fist and put it under your left palm. J:Ok. Dad:When you hear"1,2,3,4,5 jumped out and then they ran away",show your fingers and put your hand behind your back. J:Ok. Dad&J: Five rabbits were hiding in the woods one day.One,two,three,four,five jumped out and then they ran away. 

3:.Two Rabbits 

Dad: Joyce, come here, it's game time. J: Ok. Dad: We will be two rabbits. I made up a new chant.Listen carefully!  'Two rabbits are jumping on the bed today.1,2 jumped off and then they hopped away' When you hear 'jumping on the bed', we will jump on our bed. When you hear 'jumped off', we will jump off our bed. When you hear 'hopped away', we should follow that order. Is that clear? J:Ok. Dad: But we should be very careful when we jump off the bed and run away. J:Ok. 

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