
2020-8-28 02:29 原創(chuàng)







1. Head Shoulders Knees and Toes

Head Shoulders Knees Toes, Head Shoulders Knees Toes, Eyes Ears Mouth Nose, Head Shoulders Knees Toes.


2. One Little Finger

One little finger, one little finger, one little finger. Tap tap tap!

Point your finger up! Point your finger down! Put it on your head. Head! Nose!

Put it on your leg. Leg!  Now let's wave good-bye. Good-bye!


3.How Many Fingers?

How many fingers on one hand?  Let's all count together. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5

How many fingers on two hands?  Let's all count together. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 

Clap clap clap your hands. Clap your hands with me. Let's count our toes.

How many toes on one foot? Let's all count together. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 

How many toes on two feet?  Let's all count together. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 

Stomp stomp stomp your feet.  Stomp your feet with me. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10


4.With My Heart

I can hear with my ears. I can see with my eyes. I can taste with my mouth.

I can smell with my nose. I can touch with my hands. Yes, I can. And I can feel with my heart.

Hear with my ears. See with my eyes. Taste with my mouth. Smell with my nose. Touch with my hands.

And feel with my heart. The most important part.


5.Hello Hello!

Hello, hello! Can you clap your hands? Hello, hello! Can you clap your hands?

Can you stretch up high? Can you touch your toes? Can you turn around? Can you say "hello"

Hello, hello! Can you stamp your feet? Hello, hello! Can you stamp your feet?

Can you stretch up high? Can you touch your toes? Can you turn around? Can you say "hello"

Hello, hello! Can you clap your hands? Hello, hello! Can you stomp your feet?


6.If You're Happy

If you're happy happy happy clap your hands, If you're happy happy happy clap your hands, clap your hands.

If you're angry angry angry stomp your feet, If you're angry angry angry stomp your feet, stomp your feet.

If you're scared scared scared say "Oh no", If you're scared scared scared say "Oh no", say, "Oh no".

If you're sleepy sleepy sleepy take a nap, If you're sleepy sleepy sleepy take a nap, take a nap.


7.Make A Circle

Time to make a circle.

Make a circle, big big big, small small small,big big big. Make a circle, small small small. Hello, hello, hello.

Make a circle, round and round, round and round, round and round. Make a circle, round and round. Hello, hello, hello.

Make a circle, up up up, down down down, up up up. Make a circle, down down down. Now sit down.


8.Walking Walking

Walking, walking. Walking, walking. Hop, hop, hop. Hop, hop, hop.

Running, running, running. Running, running, running. Now let's stop. Now let's stop.

Tiptoe, tiptoe. Tiptoe, tiptoe. Jump, jump, jump. Jump, jump, jump.

Swimming, swimming, swimming. Swimming, swimming, swimming. Now, let's sleep. Now, let's sleep.

Wake up. It's time to go! Are you ready to go fast? OK!


9.We All Fall Down

Walk around the circle. Walk around the circle. Walking, walking. We all fall down.

Gallop around the circle. Gallop around the circle. Galloping, galloping. We all fall down. Shh... Let's tiptoe.

Tiptoe around the circle. Tiptoe around the circle. Tiptoe. Tiptoe. We all fall down.

I'm so sleepy. Sleepy sleepy. I'm so sleepy. Wake up everybody, come on, we're going to hop!

Hop around the circle. Hop around the circle. Hopping, hopping. We all fall down. Let's twirl.

Twirl around the circle. Twirl around the circle. Twirling, twirling. We all fall down. Let's hop and twirl.

Hop around the circle. Twirl around the circle. Hopping, twirling. We all fall down.






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