
2019-7-29 20:07 原創(chuàng) · 圖片5


2. Reading:


3. Video:粉豬英版隨機(jī)4集

4. 游戲/手工/Field trip

1).Act it out  

Joyce,you are a little bee, Daddy is bear. There is a beehive and you are hiding behind the beehive. Oh,a beehive. I want to eat some honey. I put my hands together and thinking about eating honey. I stretch my arms out to steal some honey. Yummy,the honey is so sweet. I want to eat more honey. Wow, what's that? I hear a buzzing sound? (Little bee come out and chase the bear away.) 

2).Where are the bees?

Joyce, look there is a beehive in the tree, Let's sing the song,OK?

Here is the beehive

Here is the beehive, where are the bees?.....

One, two, three, four, five.

(When I sing the last line of song , I pull the strip from the hole and count)

3).Let' s get moving 

Joyce, come here. Let's do some actions, Show me your hands. Follow me! Here is the beehive(show a fist), Where are the bees(show your other hand)? Hidden away where nobody sees(put your hand on top of the fist), Watch and you'll see them come out of the hive(put your hand vertical to the fist), One, two, three four, five, Buzzzzzzzzz(wave your fingers in front of you like in the picture). 

4).Here come the little bees 

Daddy and Steven hold hands to make a circle. This is a beehive, Joyce is the bees in the beehive. Mommy will be the bear and wants to steal the honey from the beehive. When I sing" Watch and you'll see them come out of the hive", Joyce will come out and sting the bear. 

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