萬思樂學(xué)V-learn小西媽雙語工程1805期268號Joyce打卡Day187(20191111)復(fù)習(xí)2a unit1

2019-11-23 19:10 原創(chuàng) · 圖片4


2. Reading:

3. Video:無

4. 游戲/手工/Field trip

1).Dad: Look,what's this? This is a doggy. "Woof... Woof..." What's this? This is a cat. "Meow... Meow..." What's this? This is a bunny. Let's sing the song. We can change the key animals of the song. Sitting on the carpet 1,2,3 Sitting on the carpet you and me, Doggy/Cat/Bunny stand up,Yeah! Doggy/Cat/Bunny sit down,oh! Doggy/Cat/Bunny is dancing all around the town.

2).Dad:Joyce, come here. Do you want to be Mouse/ Tiger? What do you want to be? Joyce: Mouse. Dad: Ok,You are Mouse...And I am Tiger. Now Let's sing the song one by one. Sitting on the carpet,1,2,3 Sitting on the carpet you and me. ............. Mouse is dancing/singing/walking...all around the town.

3.Dad: What's this? This is a chair. What color is the chair? The chair is brown.Ok, let's sit on the chair. Now, let's sing the song, please replace the key words carpet into chair. Sitting on the chair, 1, 2, 3 Sitting on the chair you and me Joyce stand up,Yeah! Joyce sit down oh! Joyce is dancing all around the town. 

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