娃的看圖說(shuō)話-Jungle Adventure

2020-3-4 02:51 原創(chuàng) · 圖片2



In the hot steaming jungle, Leo and Alligator wanted to save Trevor and got the stolen treasure. They decided to follow the stars at night so no one could discover their mission.

At night, they started their mission.

Leo looked up in the sky. The night time sky was clear and dark-blue with many shining stars in the sky. Then he said: “I heard there are many traps in the south. Trevor may be trapped there. Let’s try to go to that direction.” He pointed the direction with his finger. Soon, they walked toward the south.

They walked and walked and walked. The adventure of saving Trevor seemed no hope. Just as they thought of saving Trevor was hopeless, from far away came a roar from the howler monkey.

“Did you hear that, Alligator?” Leo asked, “I bet that’s Trevor’s howler monkey. Maybe let’s walk toward the direction where the sound come.” Quickly, Leo and Alligator scurried toward where the sound came from. They went quicker and quicker and quicker, from walking to shipping to swimming. They went so fast that they forgot there were many traps around. They went so fast that they did not notice a net made with thick ropes was coming close to them. After a few minutes, the net slammed right at the backs of Leo and Alligator. “Slam!” it went. Quickly, Leo and Alligator dodged it but didn’t notice the net in front of them and bumped head-first into it. “Slam! Slam! Slam!” they went. Leo and Alligator frantically searched for another opening but they had no luck. They were trapped!

Leo and Alligator sat together, with mouthfuls of sighs. “This is hopeless now. We will never get out.” Leo said as he bandaged his head (because of the bump), looking at Alligator, with tears in his eyes. But after a few minutes, Leo’s face lit up, the tears in his eyes gone. He said: “Alligator, I have an idea. Why don’t we cut our way out?” I have another plan if we failed.” Immediately, Leo cut two sides using its teeth. After 20 minutes, there was a big hole in the net. They stepped out the net and entered a cave. Inside was Trevor, wrapped in ropes and with blood and a pile of gold, gems and many other precious things you can imagine. Leo quickly took his eyes of the treasure and began to help Trevor. Leo cut the ropes first, then bandaged him. “Thank you.” Trevor said. Leo smiled. From nowhere came a cart and both of them put the treasure into the cart. With the sound of “Woo-Hoa!” Trevor’s howler monkey came. Now safe and prepared, the team headed home.


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Crystal Fairyvalt
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