
2019-6-20 17:28 原創(chuàng)


這種長(zhǎng)度其實(shí)應(yīng)該寫(xiě)成chapter book的,比較好讀一點(diǎn)~

The Search for the Lost Crystal Rose Petal

Elizabeth Black was a pretty girl with blonde hair . This story happened when Elizabeth was a little girl of six years old . She lived in a beautiful house with a beautiful garden in California. One day , she was playing in the garden , hoping for some adventure, because it was so boring these days.

Just as she was thinking ,she saw her favorite rose flying in the sky . Her curiosity got the best of her and she went to inspect it more carefully . Elizabeth saw three tiny fairies carrying the rose . She bent forward and asked ,“ Who are you ?”

The purple fairy said ,“ My name is Flora .”“And my name is Coral,” said the blue fairy .The yellow fairy said,“My name is Petunia ”

“We are the flower fairies,” they all chanted together .

“Hello, my name is Elizabeth , Elizabeth Black ,” said Elizabeth . Then she asked,“Why are you carrying that rose? ”

“ We are carrying that rose to the Queen of Roses ,” said Flora . “ For the Queen’s birthday ,” added Coral . “ All of the flower fairies are invited ,” squeaked Petunia excitedly. “ Can you take me there ?” Elizabeth asked. “ Of course !”  Flora squeaked .

They all passed all the flowers and came to the biggest rose . “ Let me help you ,” said Flora and she took out some powder and she sprinkled it on Elizabeth . Elizabeth immediately begin to shrink and her clothes changed . After a few seconds , Elizabeth appeared out of the dust . She was wearing a darling little pink dress with a pair of pink shoes and pink wings to match . She was a perfect fairy .

They went inside the biggest rose . There were tunnels of all sort with shinny sparkles on the side . Then they walked to a big open spaced ballroom . There were fairies dressed in all kind of clothes . They wore every color in the world , except the unhappy colors . But the most amazing sight was the Queen of Roses herself . She was dressed in pink silk that seems to be floating . A ring of flowers was set in her beautiful golden curls . She was a breath-taking beauty . The Queen of Roses smiled , and said kindly to Elizabet,“ Welcome , Elizabeth . Would you like to join our party ?” Elizabeth nodded eagerly .

All night , Elizabeth danced and sang happily with all the other fairies . She tasted the most amazing food and saw the most amazing things . At last , at midnight , Elizabeth said good bye to the Queen of Roses and went .

But before she went , the Queen of Roses gave her a rose necklace , a bottle of powder , and a pair of magical shoes . The necklace would shimmer when the fairies needed her . The bottle of powder would make her shrink when she came to the fairies land . The pair of magical shoes would transfer her to any place she wants . After receiving these gifts , she skipped happily home .

Elizabeth was surprised to find that it was still morning outside when the fairies waved her out . She shook herself all over , returning to her normal self . Elizabeth skipped to her house and she exploded in . “Mom!Mom! I went to a fairy kingdom !” Elizabeth yelled. “ What ! You must be dreaming ,” sneered her sister , Jane . Her mother said kindly , “ Darling , there isn’t any such thing as fairies.” Then , her mother and Jane went of to their own work. But feeling in her pocket , Elizabeth knew that she was right .

It was three months after Elizabeth first met the Queen of Roses and she was getting restless . It was a rainy day and Elizabeth was staring out of the window , very bored . Suddenly , a flash of bright light shimmered on her bed stand , it was the rose necklace the Queen of Roses gave her ! She grabbed her raincoat and ran out . On the way out , she shouted to her mom , “ Mom , I’m going out !”“It’s raining outside !” But before her mom could finish her sentence , Elizabeth was out of the door and running toward the giant rose which amazingly , was starting to wither . She quickly sprinkled fairy dust over herself and ran through the passage she came through the first time and into the ballroom . To her greatest surprise , the Queen’s skin was covered with wrinkles and her hair was gray. Elizabeth looked around , everyone was old and gray .

She bursted into questions,“ Why is the rose withering ? Why are all the fairies old ? What is happening ?” The Queen of Roses sighed , and said,“Firstly , I am glad that you can come . Our kingdom is withering because the Devil Pixies stole our Crystal Rose Petal that makes our kingdom survives . We call you because we need your help to save our kingdom, since we are all so old and and we could not do it ourselves . So can you help us ?” Elizabeth nodded her head solemnly. The Queen said ,“Good , you will have to go past three kingdoms to get to the Kingdom of the Evil Pixies . I will give you the map and the pair of magical shoes will be the first thing you need . Then , you will get the magical thing I’ve asked each Queen and King from each kingdom to protect . Flora is the youngest fairy that is brave enough to be on a quest so she will take you on this journey. And your wings will only let you fly three times , each for ten minutes , so use your three times well . So , are you ready ?” Elizabeth nodded her head again. “ Right , you will begin tomorrow morning and you will sleep at the Fairy Palace , so sleep well .” Elizabeth was lead to her room and she fell asleep at once on the soft blanket .

Next morning , she was ready at dawn and she went to the ballroom after a nice hot breakfast . She found the Queen , Flora , and all the other fairies waiting . Flora handed Elizabeth a bag and said , “ These are some rations . Food , water , and blankets .” All the fairies chanted ,“Good luck !” The Queen of Roses even kissed Elizabeth on the cheek . Elizabeth blushed . “ Now hold tight to my hand and put on your shoes . Then click your heels three times and say ‘ Dragon kingdom’which is our first destination ,” said Flora. Elizabeth did as Flora instructed . There was a flash of red light and they landed in Dragon kingdom . They saw lava everywhere . “This is Dragon Kingdom ?” Elizabeth asked . “ Well…Dragons like to spit fire or lava ,” said Flora . “ Come along , we have a long way to go ,” added Flora . They walked along a path that was supposed to go to the Dragon Palace . They saw caves with dragons living in it , there were volcanos everywhere , and there were puddles of lava everywhere on the ground . They can even hear a dragon roar every few minutes .

It was dark , Elizabeth and Flora set camp on a save place without lava and they ate some apples and rolls , then they rolled up in their blankets and went to bed . But Elizabeth was curious , she wanted to see the inside of a dragon’s home .She sneaked past Flora , and went to the nearest cave , and she peeked in . She saw an enormous red dragon , he was as tall as a hundred fairies , he was like a red mountain . He said,“ WHO DARES TO COME TO MY CAVE !!!!!!” Dragons have very sensitive hearing , their eyesight is very good too .

The dragon spotted Elizabeth at once , she was swiped of the ground and locked into a cage . She yelled ,“HELP! HELP!” But her voice was too small and it didn’t carry far . She sat down on the cage and began to sob . She thought : Oh , why was I so stupid ? Why was I so curious ? I should have stay with Flora . She sobbed until the dragon went to bed .

Suddenly , Elizabeth heard her name called quietly . She looked around , and she saw Flora flying in the air . Flora whispered ,“Elizabeth , I’ve been looking for you . Let’s get going , I’ve got the keys here .” Just as they were getting out , they heard a terrible roar ,“ WHO IS IT? IS MY PRISONER ESCAPING ?” The dragon leaped up , and he spited fire every where ! “Quick ! Use your wings to fly !”screamed Flora. Elizabeth flapped her wings , to her surprise , she flew into the air . She and Flora flew into the air and was safe .

“ That was so close ! It was a miracle no one got hurt ,” said Flora . “ I’m so sorry . I was just too curious ,” sobbed Elizabeth . “ That’s all right . At least you are safe ,” said Flora , “ Now , let’s go back to bed and try to sleep .”

The next morning , Flora and Elizabeth set out for the Dragon Palace . At noon , they finally arrived at the Dragon Palace . They knocked at the front door . “ COME IN !!!!!!” A booming voice answered them . Flora and Elizabeth walked through a stone passage and went in a stone room with a stone throne and on it sat a marvelous dragon . “ WHO ARE YOU !!!” the Dragon King said . “ Your majesty, the Queen of Roses sent us here . She said that you have something that she asked you to protect . “ YES. I REMEMBER . BUT BEFORE YOU GET THIS THING YOU HAVE TO ANSWER A RIDDLE .” the Dragon King said . “OK, what is it ?” Elizabeth asked nervously . “WHAT HAS FOUR LEGS IN THE MORNING , TWO LEGS AT NOON , AND THREE LEGS IN THE AFTERNOON?” Elizabeth thought her hardest . After a while , the dragon said “ TEN SECONDS LEFT !” Elizabeth’s heart was beating . “ FIVE …..FOUR …..” “Oh I know, a person crawls with four legs when he is a baby, walks with two legs when he is young , and walks with two legs and a cane when they are old .” Elizabeth said . “ YOU ARE CORRECT . YOU CAN TAKE OUR BOX OF EVER-LASTING FIRE.” the Dragon King boomed. Elizabeth took the small golden box and she and Flora went out of the palace. “ Now click your heels together and say ‘Lullaby Land’ , which is our second destination ,” said Flora . Elizabeth did what she said . There was a flash of light and they were soon in Lullaby Land .

Lullaby Land looked very comfortable . It was full of pillows and cups of tea was floating everywhere . Elizabeth and Flora each grabbed a cup of tea and sat down on the cushions . Then they immediately began to snooze .

Elizabeth woke up from a very long sleep .“That was quite a sleep wasn’t it ? Hi , I’m a talking pillow . You have been asleep for three days .” She gasped . She shook Flora ,“Flora, we have been asleep for three days . We need to start , now !” “What ! We have to get a move on !” Flora screamed . They continued to walk to the Sleeping Palace , where the Queen of Comfort lived . They passed many houses on the walk there . All the houses were made of soft fabric . After two days of walking, they finally arrived at the Sleeping Palace .

They knocked on the soft door of the Sleeping Palace . A gentle voice answered, “Come in.” Elizabeth looked at Flora , Flora gulped,“Well… I won’t come . I’m a bit nervous . I may fall asleep .” Elizabeth took a breath and went in . She saw a beautiful lady standing there . She said,“ Hello , who are you ?” Elizabeth replied , “ My name is Elizabeth , Elizabeth Black . I am here because the Queen of the Roses said that I should get the thing that she asked you to protect .” “ Yes , we can discuss it later . But first , do you want to eat something or take a rest ?” Said the Queen of Comfort.

How Elizabeth would like to rest and eat something that wasn’t apples or rolls ! But thinking of the Queen of Roses and all the other fairies , she said ,“ No, thank you .” Then the Queen of Comfort smiled, and she said , “ Elizabeth , you have passed my test , you can have the box of sleeping powder .” Elizabeth smiled and took the little blue box . She skipped out of the palace and shouted to Flora ,“I got the box of sleeping powder !” “ Good job ! Now click your heels three times and say ‘ Clam Kingdom’ which is our last kingdom before our final destination . There was a flash of light , and they landed in Clam Kingdom .

Clam Kingdom was very weird . There were all sorts of clam everywhere . There were pink and blue and white and some weird colors too . The houses were just giant clams . It took three days to get to Clam Palace . On the way there , they had plenty exciting adventures .

One time , Elizabeth decided to have some clam soup for dinner . So she went to catch some clams . When she finally caught a clam , the clam bit her and wouldn’t let go . After many tugs , Flora finally managed to tug the clam away from Elizabeth’s finger . But Elizabeth’s finger looked a bit swollen , which Flora cured with something in her first-aid kit . Elizabeth learned never try to catch clams again .

After three days of walking, they arrived on the doorstep of Clam Palace . It was really just a giant clam with jewels on it . Once again , Flora refused to go in . “I’m a bit tired . Even I’m not that old, I am still not that young .” Flora said . So, Elizabeth knocked on the door and went in . The clam with jewels on her head , said in a sing-song voice ,“Hello , I’m the Clam Queen . Who are you ?” “ Oh , hello . My name is Elizabeth , Elizabeth Black . The Queen of Roses sent me here because she said that you have something she asked you to protect .” “ Oh ….Yes.” She smiled, “First , you will need to step inside me and I will ask you a question . Don’t worry , I won’t hurt you .” Elizabeth walked inside and waited for a few seconds , then came a booming voice ,“WHY DO YOU WANT MY NECKLACE THAT WILL MAKE YOU BREATHE UNDERWATER ?” Elizabeth answered ,“Because I need it to save the Flower Fairies .” The clam opened and Elizabeth stepped out . “Here you are , the necklace .” Said the Clam Queen and she handed Elizabeth a red box . Elizabeth said, “ Thank You” and she sprinted out .

Outside the palace, she took Flora’s hand clicked her heels three times and said ,“Evil Pixie Palace .” There was a flash of light and she landed on the doorstep of the palace. “ Good choice,” said Flora , as she looked up at the dark walls of the palace . “ We had to get here fast”explained Elizabeth . “I’ll wait here for you . Just tap your shoes three times when you need me.” Flora said . Elizabeth knocked on the palace doors and went in .

“ Who are you ?” the Evil Pixie King asked. “ My name is Elizabeth , Elizabeth Black . I’ve come here for a trade . I’ve got a box of Ever-Lasting Fire , a box of Sleeping Powder , and a necklace that makes you breath under water . Can I trade these for the Crystal Rose Petal you stole?” Elizabeth asked . The Evil Pixie King murmured to another pixie , then he said , “ Fine , Stinkfeet will take you to the secret chamber .”Elizabeth and Stinkfeet walk through the dark passage and went in a dark room . Outside the room , Stinkfeet said , “ Give your things first .” Elizabeth gave him all the things she got and went in the room . Suddenly , a large cage fell on Elizabeth . She was trapped! She sat on the floor and cried .

After a few minutes , Elizabeth discovered the holes were big enough for her to fly out . She stole the Crystal Rose Petal and sneaked pass the throne room , where the Evil Pixie King and Stinkfeet were laughing . She flew out of the throne room and ran to Flora . “ I’ve got it ! I’ve got it !” Elizabeth shouted. “ Well done !” Flora said , “ But let’s go , before they find us .” Elizabeth clicked her heels three times and said , “ Fairy Palace” There was a flash of light and they landed in the Fairy Palace .

They saw the place full of statues . “ We were too late!”Elizabeth cried . Then she sat on the ground and sobbed . Suddenly , she saw her tears flowing through the palace every one was alive again . “ Did you get the crystal ?” Asked the Queen of Roses . “ Yes , I did .”Elizabeth said. “  Thank You . Good , let’s go put it in it’s proper place .” Said the Queen of Roses . They walk down the shimmering walls and came to a dark room . Elizabeth went in and placed it carefully to its proper place . There was a glow of light and she saw the Queen of Roses became her beautiful self again . She went out and discovered that everyone is all right again .

Elizabeth told her story to every fairy . After telling her story to Petunia for the tenth time , she said goodbye and went .

Outside the sun was shining and the rainbow was out . Elizabeth ran to her house . She knew that no one would believe her , so she would just have to keep her little adventure for herself .

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