
2019-9-10 20:48 原創(chuàng) · 圖片4


2. Reading:

3. Video:無

4. 游戲/手工/Field trip

1.Dance your toes up

Steven Joyce, let's play a game. Please sit on the bed. 

Dance your toes up, dance your toes down, dance your toes to the side, dance them all around. Dance them on the chairs, dance them on the floor. Dance them on Steven's feet and pull them on the bed.

Joyce I'll help you dance on daddy's body. Come on!

2.Doggy says

Woof-woof. Who is coming? Yes, a dog. Now you are all dogs.Woof-woof.

Ok, dogs, dance your fingers up.Dance your fingers down.

Listen to me and dance your fingers like a dog. Ready, set, go. Dance your finger up, dance your finger down...

Now we will play another way. I will sing the song at different speeds and say the lines in different orders. Listen carefully. Dance your fingers down, dance your finger up, dance them all round, dance them to the side, dance them on your knees, dance them on your shoulders, dance them on your ears and put them all to bed.

3.Do exercises

Joyce and Steven, let's do some exercises. Are you ready?

Now we will dance different parts of our body.

Head, head, dance my head( turned to left, right and nod head.

Shoulder, shoulder, dance my shoulders(shrug shoulders).

Tummy, tummy, dance my tummy(twist waist left and right).

shake, shake, shake my body.

Baby let's do it another way.

Dance your thumbkins up.

Dance your tall men down.

Dance your pointers to the side.

Dance them all around.

Dance them on your knees.

Dance them on your toes.

Dance them on your tummy.

And put them all to bed.

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