
2019-3-18 23:39 原創(chuàng) · 圖片6


2. Reading:

3. Video:清英1a3-7,粉豬英版隨機4集

4. 游戲/手工/Field trip

1.Let's bake duck cookies. 

Dad make the dough ready. Joyce, please put on your apron . Hello, little cook. Now let's roll the dough. This is the way we roll the dough, roll the dough, roll the dough, roll the dough..... Now let's make duck cookies. Use the duck molds and press with all your strength. Press, press, press. Wow, cool ducks.How many ducks did you make?Let's count.One little, two little baby ducks. Three little, four little baby ducks. Let's put them into the oven. Let's check the duck cookies. Smells good. Go and share with mommy and steven.

2.Field trip Count chairs: Joyce, look, there are some chairs out of the door. Let's count how many chairs? One chairs, two chairs, three chair, four. Five chair,six chairs. There are six chairs. What color are they? This one is orange,this one is green, this one is black, red,blue,yellow.

3.Flying kites Joyce,today we will go to the park to flying kites,ok? Wow, there are many people in the park. Look,there are many kites flying in the sky. Let's count how many kites. One kite, two kites, three kites, four. Five kites, six kites, seven kites, more.

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