【牛津樹精讀】牛津樹L1全英文精讀筆記 Fancy dress

2020-6-16 20:49 原創(chuàng) · 圖片1

2級ORT L1-27 : Fancy Dress (Oxford Reading Tree)(Patterned Stories 3)10166人有 · 評價8312 · 書評4Roderick Hunt, Alex BrychtaOxford University Press

牛津樹系列作為最受歡迎的英語學習教材,最吸引我們的是一家人的趣味生活故事,剛開始拿到教材時,會發(fā)現(xiàn)牛津樹和其他的分級教材完全不一樣,它有完整的小故事,但是字數(shù)卻很少,和寶貝親子共讀時,如果只讀了書上的句子,  不給寶貝閱讀擴展,只是簡單刷刷升級就辜負了這么好這么貴的分級繪本了。 

對于英語不太好的家長來說,急需一份精讀筆記自救,  這個精讀筆記是我根據(jù)susan說英語全英文精讀牛津樹寫的,我已經(jīng)把36本書全部做了精讀筆記,分享給用心陪寶貝閱讀的你。我是把筆記打印出來,然后陪寶貝讀書的時候,直接照著精讀筆記講,講幾遍就會順口了,熟悉了。 

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Susan, what are you doing? I am preparing to go to a fancy dress party. How do I look? Look, the family are going to the fancy dress party too. let’s see.

Page 1

Now, Look at mommy. Do you think mommy’s wearing is fancy enough? Well, for a scarecrow it is. Mum was a scarecrow. What is scarecrow? That’s a thing You’ll see in the field and you know some crows “a ......” then they are coming to eat the weeds, and you put a scarecrow there, the crows say oh, no, there is someone. So we can’t eat.”Look! This is scarecrow. Mummy’s wearing clothes with patches and straw. That‘s really cool.

Page 2-3

Then here is Biff, Biff was a pirate. A pirate should have a knife and a pirate should have a pirate hat, really cool. And daddy is tying a scarf around Biff’s neck. em, it’s so cool. And then Chip was a pirate too. Look at Chip. Chip has a hook. That’s a hook. Some pirates lose one’s arm and then they took a hook on. and then he is wearing a earring. This one is an eye patch. an eye patch will make really Look like a pirate.


Oh, Look at this, Kipper was an angel. An angel boy with two wings and there is a halo over his head. OK, then they are ready. mommy has got a crow sharp nose. This is a scarecrow, two pirates and an angel. What about daddy? I wonder what daddy’s wearing.

Page 6-7

Cock-a-doodle-doo! Oh, my god! Dad was a chicken, so daddy is wearing the chicken costume holding a pair of wings. everyone goes haha, daddy, you are funny! Then daddy goes what you are going there wearing stupid one? What do you think of this? Is it stupid? I think it is funny. this is really cool, all right?

Page 8

There they are. Everyone is having fun. Everyone was happy at this fancy dress party, what do you see? I see a robot. I see a witch. I see a king and everyone is wearing a fancy dress, that’s so cool.

Ask and Answer

1,(P1) What's mum's costume? Mummy is dressed as a scarecrow.

2,(P2-3) How about Biff? Biff was a pirate.

3,(P2-3) What about Chip? Chip was a pirate too. And what is this? Eye patch.

4,(P4-5) And what is this over Kipper's head? Halo. And Kipper was an Angel.

5,(P6-7) What's daddy's costume? Chicken costume

6,(P8) Where are they? At a fancy dress party

即使父母沒時間讀,只要寶寶喜歡牛津樹,我推薦給寶寶直接看susan精講視頻免費的資源。 發(fā)音地道,全英文講解,面部表情豐富,我自己也很喜歡。如果寶貝還小,不想給寶貝看視頻,可以自己先講幾遍,然后做成音頻貼,把susan精講的音頻貼到書上,反復給寶貝聽。 

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