用英語(yǔ)教訓(xùn)寶寶,出氣筒Punching bag

2020-7-16 09:49 原創(chuàng) · 圖片2

和好 Making up

1.     你現(xiàn)在打算怎么辦呢?

So what’s your plan?

2.     永遠(yuǎn)都不和我說(shuō)話(huà)了嗎?

Are you just never going to speak to me again?

3.     一直摔門(mén)沒(méi)意思的。不要拿門(mén)出氣。門(mén)不是你的出氣筒.

There’s no point to keep slamming the door shut. Don’t take it out on the door. The door is not your punching bag.

4.     對(duì)不起我剛才吼你了。

I‘m sorry I yelled at you.

5.     但是如果你一開(kāi)始就乖的,這一切都不會(huì)發(fā)生了。

But none of this would have happened if you had cooperated in the first place.

6.     我生氣是因?yàn)槟悴还?。我希望我第一次說(shuō)的時(shí)候你能就乖乖去做。

I became frustrated because you were not cooperating. I need you to cooperate the first time I ask you to do something.

7.     不要再生氣了。我們應(yīng)該和好.

Don’t be mad. I suppose it’s time we make up.

8.     我知道你怪我不給你餅干吃,但是這都是為了你的牙齒好。

I know you blame me for not giving you biscuits but it’s because I want you to have healthy teeth.

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