Sammy Claws the Christmas Cat

2023-12-16 19:40 原創(chuàng)

Sleepy old Sammy Claws, Santa's pet cat, was furry and purr-y and fluffy and fat.

圣誕老人的寵物貓,Sammy Claws,毛茸茸的圓滾滾的,正昏昏欲睡。

He liked nothing better than having a snooze in a box...or a cupboard...or snuggled in shoes.


And as Sammy dozed he would dream of the day that he'd travel with Santa up high in his sleigh.


"Tomorrow is Christmas Eve!" Sammy Claws said. He yawned a big yawn then he curled up in bed. "I'll help in the morning, then Santa Claus might just take me along on his sleigh for the night!" But...


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