
2019-6-15 13:41 原創(chuàng) · 圖片6


2. Reading:

3. Video:粉豬英版四集

4. 游戲/手工/Field trip

1).A Happy Apple Tree

Come on Joyce and mommy. Let's do the actions together. How about going around the apple tree? Can you chant with me? Apple tree, apple tree…

2).Play With Daddy 

Daddy will hold Joyce . Sing the song and put J down on the ground when I say the last sentence. Daddy uses top to carry the apple. When I sing the last sentence drop the apple into Joyce's top. Then Joyce can drop the apple back to daddy. Put an apple on my head.Chant together.When I sing the lat sentence, catch the apple before it falls. Daddy put an apple on you head and let Joyce catch the apple. Then Joyce puts an apple on her head and daddy can catch it.

3).Please drop a big apple down for me

Daddy is an apple tree. mommy is a little girl.

Wow apples. I like apples. I want to eat them.

Apple tree, apple tree, big apple tree.

Please drop a big apple down for me.

Wow, I got an apple. What a big apple. Yum, yum.

Come here Joyce, you try this time.

Do you want an apple? Come on, you must chant with me.

Apple tree, apple tree, big apple tree.

Please drop a big apple down for me.

Wow look, a big apple.The apple tree dropped a big apple down for me. Look at the big apple.

Come here Joyce, you try. Do you want to be a tree?

4).My Hand Apple Tree

Joyce, please put your hands on the paper like this. Let's draw around your hand. Then, draw the crown of the tree. Look, you made a big tree. Is it an apple tree? There are no apples on the apple tree.

Draw some apples on the apple tree. Color your tree.

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