
2019-11-23 16:17 原創(chuàng) · 圖片6

http://xima.tv/NwM588 ;



28個工具相關(guān)詞匯 在哪里可以買到五金工具 Hardware store五金店 Dollar store一元店 Supermarket超市 修房子時候用到五金工具 tear down a wall 推到墻 put up a wall 建新墻 hammer錘子--nails釘子 rubber mallet--橡皮錘 小心不要砸到手指thumb I hammer in the nails smash--碾碎 screwdriver--螺絲刀 screwdriver heads--Ronnie也不清楚這些鉆頭的說法 只能叫flat star You can screw in screws--螺絲釘 wrist--手腕 wrench--扳手 nuts and bolts--螺帽和螺栓 Use wrench to put the bolt or screw the bolt into the wall  or unscrew the bolt to take it out use hex at the end of the wrench to take it out allen key(hex key)--內(nèi)六角 pliers--鉗子--pull things out wiggly--adj 蠕動 My friend tooth was wiggly. slam the door yank--猛的一拉 pull out the nail drill--電鉆 drill bit--鉆頭make a hole donnot  turn on like this home decorating家庭裝飾 paint brush 粉刷 roller brush 滾刷 level--水平 straight--垂直 if the bubble is in between the two lines, it means the piece of your  equipment is level measuring tape--卷尺 anything in the length you can measure measures things in feet or inches    


16個處方廚房詞匯 nuke--用微波爐加熱食物 I nuke my food oven/stove--爐子 bake--烤 bake a cake 在oven里面進行bake,熱量會從上方和下方進入 grill/broil--烤 熱量從上方進入 所以bake 與grill/broil的區(qū)別在于從制作的食物的區(qū)別 toaster--烤面包機  Put a simple piece of bread into toaster, out comes a lovely warm crispy toast kettle--水壺 coffemaker--咖啡機 refrigerator=freezer+fridge

 freezer--制冷庫 frozen--冷凍的 fridge--冷藏 keep beer fruit vegetables, keep things cold sink--水池子 counter--櫥柜 food flies--小飛蟲 




sometimes they give you the percentage, like 83%, or they give you letter grades. A is the best and gradually goes down, I can't tell you where A B C starts. Every institution in every school is different. They give you A+ if they think you are good enough. They could give you plus and minus. You could ask you teacher. What was my grade on the test?

If you get F, it means you failed. Miserable!


tests are shorter. exams is very long.You need to go to the exam on the right date. 

what's on the test?

what's on the exam?

when is the test?

It means the material you will test on.

Being excused--you leave the situation. you are going to apply polite about it.

Can I please go to the washroom? May I please go to the washroom?

Being late--I slept in. I missed the bus. The best way to do is don't lie. Your teacher isn't gonna appreciate your lie.

Being absent--You are not in class one day. Be honest. No teacher should get angry you if you are not comfortable.   



How many people are you in your family?

I have 4 people in my family. When we talk about family, we mean people living in the same house. It won't include your grandmother and grandfather. You must include yourself when you talk about your family.

mother father brother sister, mother=mom, father=dad brothers(brotherz) sisters(sisterz)

mother's mom=grandmother=grandma=gramma

father's dad=grandfather=grandpa=granpa



How old are you? I am 23(years old).

It is like a little bit rude question. Lady don't like to talk about age. You could answer in a general way. You don't want to tell a person how extactly you are.

I am in my  early/ mid/late +teens/20's/30's.

I am in my early teens.(30-40)

I am in my mid teens.(50-60-70)

I am in my late teens.(80-90)

I am in my mid 30's.

I am in my early 20's.

I am in my 60's.

We count baby by weeks or months. My baby is 3 weeks old. When baby goes to 18 months, we say 1 and half.

Baby--ranges from 1 day to toddler

Toddler--starts from 2 years to when they become child

Child--I am not sure where cutoff is. Maybe around 3 or 4, children will go to the kindergarten. They can walk, eat, go to the toilet by himself. Child maybe start from 4 years old to 12 years old.

Teenager--Teens when you are 13 years old. Teens ranges from 13 to 19.

Adult--starts from 19 to 60

Senior/Elderly--starts from 60/65. The cool thing is senior could get discounts or ride bus free. 


would like to be my friend?除非你是小朋友,否則千萬不要這樣說,It is very strange. If we were children, that will be great. We are not children anymore. It can be embarrassing.

Do you want to play with me? 千萬不要這樣說,如果你想說,請說hang out with me. play implies something that is embarrassing. I hung out with my grandma yesterday.

如果是年齡大的人,可能喜歡說, My friends came to visit me yesterday.但是千萬不要說I played with my friends. 也可以說I hung out with my friends.或者I visited my friends.

appointment專門用在business上面,或者你付了錢才會做的事情,比如doctor, layer, barber等等


總之hang out是個比較強大的slang,看看幾個例句,感受一下

I often used to hang out in supermarkets.

But,as a teenager,I had“better”things to do than hang out at the airport.


You refuse to hang out with someone unless they make specific plans to hang out with you.


We all assume that they all live together, hang out together, they live in some social colony in BeverlyHills,they only socialize with each other.



How much is this?

It is $10.75.  (ten seventy five)

It is $2.5.  (two fifty)

It is $18.25.(eighteen twenty five)

It is $187.42.(one hundred and eighty seven forty two)

In your country, you may use very high big currency. Most of purchases are more than one thousand dollars. Depending what you buy, probably grocery store and clothing store, it is not going to be over $1000.

If cashier told you 3.5(three five) when they typed in the cash register, you will see the number.

It is___   

I was__(you already bought.)


The price is 

The cost is

I paid the money

如果下次再去商店,請你認真的聽聽價格 Listen to the price things and watch out tac

That is 7.35 plus tax

In many country, tax is not included in the price.



Lie Lay Lay=to put something down(on something)放置 I lay the marker on the table Lay-Laid-Laid 放置 I lay my head on my pillow. 現(xiàn)在時 當(dāng)我們在使用lay的時候一定要接賓語,就是你要放置什么東西,你不能說I lay一定是lay了什么東西,就像中文,你不能說我放了,你要說我放書在桌子上了 I laid my books on the floor. 過去時 I have laid dinner on the table. 過去完成時 Lie= to rest or recline 躺下 Lie= not tell a truth 撒謊 Lie-Lay-Lain 躺下的現(xiàn)在時,過去式,過去分詞 來 累 累恩 以上三個詞沒有任何語法規(guī)律可言,記下來吧 Lie-lied-lied 說謊的現(xiàn)在時,過去式,過去分詞 My dog lies in front of me.現(xiàn)在時 這里就沒有賓語了,我躺下,后面不用接賓語 I lay in my bed.過去時 I have lain in a hammock. 過去完成時 Tom lied to the boss. She lied? Please, __________ the bill on the table. Lay You look sick, _____________down. Lie I need to _____________in a bed. Lie The dinner was _____________ on the table. Laid 

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