培生幼兒啟蒙英語level A和B

2021-2-16 22:06 原創(chuàng)


《培生幼兒啟蒙英語(升級版)》是一套來自培生教育出版集團的幼兒英語讀物,是暢銷系列《培生幼兒英語》《培生幼兒英語第二輯》的精華禮盒升級版。分為level A和level B兩個精美禮盒,每盒包含46冊圖書,每冊圖書封底附3個二維碼,手機掃描即可獲得常青藤爸爸英語啟蒙課音頻、同步配套連載微課和英文朗讀音頻。

Level A立足幼兒年齡特點和符合幼兒認(rèn)知規(guī)律,每冊圖書以日常生活中常用的英語單詞和句型為主,簡短易讀,易學(xué)易會,對幼兒進行英語啟蒙,共分為粉色、紅色、黃色三階,按照粉色、紅色、黃色的順序由易到難逐階閱讀。Level A圖大字少,由單詞、詞組向簡單句型進階,單詞數(shù)量在20-70左右,適合3-6歲兒童閱讀。


01 I Like to Jump 
02 The New Hat 
03 Monster Meal 
04 Curly is Hungry 
05 Josie and the Parade 
06 My Camera 
07 Next Door Pets 
08 Animal Presents 
09 Snake is Going Away! 
10 What is He? 
11 Nature Trail 
12 A Fish for Lunch 
13 Elephant Walk 
14 Ling and the Turtle 
15 Guess Who? 
16 Muddle Farm 
17 The Den 
18 Max Gets Ready 
19 Shopping 

01 The Pong Song 
02 At Last! 
03 Grandpa 
04 Josie and the Baby 
05 The Lion's Dinner A Play 
06 Rush Hour 
07 Super Shopping 
08 Where's Our Car? 
09 Bert's Boat 
10 Ping-Pong 
11 Josie Helps Out 

01 Fancy Dress 
02 Juggling 
03 Goodnight Josie 
04 The Play 
05 Josie and the Junk Box 
06 The New Pet 
07 Ned' s Noise Machine 
08 Where is Patch? 
09 Catch It! 
10 Scaredy Cat 
11 The Dog Show 
12 Moving Day 
13 At the Seaside 
14 That' s Mine! 
15 Who Can Curly See? 
16 A Home for Curly

Level B旨在全面激發(fā)孩子學(xué)習(xí)英語的興趣,讓孩子學(xué)會基礎(chǔ)的英語表達(dá)。共分為紅色、黃色、藍(lán)色三階,按照紅色、黃色、藍(lán)色的順序由易到難逐階閱讀。Level B每冊書圖文并茂,以簡單句型和基礎(chǔ)句型為主,單詞數(shù)量在50-150左右,適合4-8歲兒童閱讀。



01 Goodnight  
02 Ruby Red and Sky Blue  
03 The Ugly Duckling  
04 I Don't Want To  
05 Big Bad Wolf?  
06 I Love Rocks  
07 Slurp! Burp!  
08 When I Grow Up  
09 Welly Dancing  
10 Josie and the Bully  
11 Feelings  
12 Leoking at Materials  

01 Hare and Tortoise Go to School  
02 A Toy For Vik  
03 Where Is Little Bo Peep?  
04 Quiet in the Library  
05 Elvis and the Scooter  
06 My Wild Woolly  
07 Ben's Brilliant Birthday  
08 Clean-up Day  
09 Go and Get It!  
10 Josie and the Cake Sale  
11 What a Catch!  
12 Look at Me!  
13 Mister Wolf's Plan  
14 Too Many Pets  
15 Furball to the Rescue  
16 Animal Babies  
17 Day and Night  

01 Fruit Salad  
02 A Jumper for James  
03 Big Monster Is Running Away  
04 What is in the Box?  
05 I Wish I Was a Bat  
06 The Cow Jumped Over the Moon  
07 Cudy and the Log  
08 Look Out!  
09 The Perfect Pet  
10 Up the Tree  
11 Supermarket on Mars  
12 What a Clown!  
13 The Hungry Dragon  
14 Feeding Time  
15 Time for Bed  
16 Fish Facts  
17 When I Was a Baby

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