Daria Rose and the Day She Chose

Daria Rose and the Day She Chose


This is the first book of The Daria Rose Series. A story of self-empowerment: to foster positive behavior, confidence, courage, strength, determination, friendship, good values and the importance of being thoughtful and thankful. Join Daria Rose in a seven-day adventure as she discovers the powers she had inside her all along. She takes control of her days and learns how to make good choices. She discovers that her decisions can change the outcome of the different worries and fears in her life. Daria Rose learns that life is all about choices and it is up to her to make the right ones. This is a fun story that will teach a child invaluable tools in a child friendly way. Children will observe girls making good choices, positive behavior, kindness towards others, children being grateful, appreciating a parent and having faith in oneself. This is a book filled with invaluable messages for all children. Children are never too young to learn about the power they have within and how important it is to be responsible for their own behavior. Whether your child is 4 or 14 they can learn never to give up and that all things are possible, if they choose to make it happen.