A short history of the American nation

A short history of the American nation


The author John A. Garraty writes in the Preface that it is their belief that students in all survey courses need a connected narrative covering the whole sweep of the subject in order to place more specialized readings in proper perspective. This volume is an abridgment of the sixth edition of the larger text The American Nation. It is designed to meet the needs of both one-semester courses and those organized primarily around wide readings in source materials, monographs, and scholarly articles. Only details and illustrative material has been eliminated. No important topic covered in the larger book has been omitted or reduced at the expense of clarity or intellectual significance. This edition has been constructed on the same principles as all the others. It assumes that American history is important for its own sake—as an epic and unique tale of the experience of hundreds of million so people in a vast land. The theory that a few great individuals, cut from larger cloth than the general run of human beings, have shaped the course of past events oversimplifies history. But the story of the past becomes more comprehensible when attention is paid to how the major figures of histo... (展開)