Cuentos para entender el mundo (Libro 1) / Short Stories to Understand the World (Book 1) (Spanish Edition)

Cuentos para entender el mundo (Libro 1) / Short Stories to Understand the World (Book 1) (Spanish Edition)


Para todos aquellos que siguen siendo ni?os aunque los adultos les obliguen a disimularlo.

?DURANTE ESTOS a?os los lectores me habéis dado tanto que me sentía en deuda con vosotros. Por eso he decidido yo también entregaros una parte de mí. Estos textos que os traigo han modelado de alguna manera mi forma de ser. Son peque?os cuentos, ya casi perdidos,? de grandes autores que he decidido adaptar a los tiempos que corren. He modificado personajes, situaciones, el lenguaje… pero la esencia sigue siendo la misma: esa que nos ayuda a entender el mundo.?? Eloy Moreno


For all those who still have an inner child but adults force them to hide it.
“Through these years, you readers have given me so much that I felt indebted to you. That is why I have decided to also give you a part of me. These texts that I now offer here have somehow modeled my way of life. They are short stories, almost forgotten, of great authors that I have decided to adapt to the times in which we live. I have modified characters, situations, language ... but the essence remains the same: that which helps us understand the world.” -Eloy Moreno