Your Kids: Cooking!: A Recipe for Turning Ordinary Kids Into Extraordinary Cooks

Your Kids: Cooking!: A Recipe for Turning Ordinary Kids Into Extraordinary Cooks


Your Kids: Cooking! is a fun and engaging hands-on cooking program that prepares kids for a lifetime of healthy eating by teaching them how to turn fresh, wholesome ingredients into healthy and delicious meals. Much more than a just a cookbook, YKC is a multimedia cooking program that teaches kids how to cook in a structured, fun, and engaging way. Through the seamless coordination of step-by-step demonstrations on the DVD with written and pictorial directions in the book, budding chefs are effortlessly guided through the preparation of 20 delicious and healthy meals the whole family can enjoy. Upon completing the program, young chefs will have acquired all the cooking skills, techniques, methods and confidence they need to cook virtually anything they want. In addition to learning to cook, kids also learn the basics of nutrition and how to make healthy food choices. Following the guidelines established by the USDA, young chefs learn about the five food groups that are the building blocks of a healthy diet as well as which foods to eat more of and which foods to eat less of. The more kids understand about how to build a healthy plate, the easier it is for them make healthy food cho... (展開(kāi))
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