L'eveil des Tombeaux 1 le livre des morts

L'eveil des Tombeaux 1 le livre des morts


See below for English description.

Les m?decins sont unanimes, rien ne peut gu?rir Alex Sennefer. Mais, la m?re d'Alex demeure convaincue du contraire. Elle sait que les incantations trouv?es dans le livre des morts pourront le sauver. Mais ? quel prix? Chaque formule magique permet de ressuscit? d'horribles cr?atures pr?tes ? lib?rer une cohorte de scorpions ? travers New York pour ensuite s'attaquer au monde.

Nothing can save eleven-year-old Alex Sennefer's life. That's what all the doctors say, but his mother knows it's not true. She knows that the Lost Spells - the most powerful piece of the Egyptian Book of the Dead - can crack open a door to the afterlife and pull her son back from the brink. But when she uses the spells, five evil ancients known as the Death Walkers are also brought back to life.

Now terrible things are starting to happen. Mummies are awakening. New York is overrun with scorpion messengers. And worst of all, Alex's mom and the Lost Spells have both disappeared. Alex and his best friend, Ren, will do anything to save his mom and save the world . . . even if that means going head-to-head with a Death Walker who has been plotting his r...