Murry Peterson: Echelon

Murry Peterson: Echelon


General Zarkov is dead, but only Muriel Peterson and Officer Laskey know about it. While Laskey is on medical leave, MacGuffin approaches Murry personally, attempting to incorporate her into his plans for world domination by ODESSA. Murry discovers that one of her old friends has allied herself with a conspiracy theorist and has uncovered information about the A.S.E. group's connection to the CIA. She also discovers information on a system of computers and satellites known as Echelon, which allows the government to spy on every telephone call, or transmission made in the entire world. To keep her off track, she and the rest of the team are sent to Nicaragua and Afghanistan to train groups of young agents to fight against the Communist threat. Murry is appalled at the conditions and abuses that she observes and threatens to reveal what she has learned, putting her in harm's way. Laskey takes Zarkov's place at the head of his sleeper organization and begins to import opium and heroin into Cuba and the U.S. while Murry attempts to track him down and eliminate the threat forever. Events continue to spiral out of control and a final battle between the forces of good and evil breaks out,... (展開)