What's the Matter?: A Physical Science Unit for High-Ability Learners in Grades 2-3 (William & Mary Units)

What's the Matter?: A Physical Science Unit for High-Ability Learners in Grades 2-3 (William & Mary Units)


Whats the Matter? is a field-tested physical science unit for high-ability learners in grades 2-3. In this unit, students work on solving real-world scenarios by using their newly discovered knowledge of matter, the measurement of matter, and change in physical properties. At the end of this 15-lesson unit, students present their data in a classroom "science conference."

Whats the Matter?, a Project Clarion Primary Science Unit, utilizes a hands-on, constructivist approach that allows children to build their knowledge base and skills while they explore science topics through play and planned investigations. The overarching concept of change is used to deepen understanding of the scientific concepts in the unit.

Winner of the 2010 NAGC Curriculum Studies Award, Whats the Matter? was developed by the Center for Gifted Education at The College of William and Mary, to offer advanced curriculum supported by years of research. The Centers materials have received national recognition from the United States Department of Education and the National Association for Gifted Children, and they are widely used both nationally and internationally.

Each of the books in this series off...