7 Powerful Questions to Discover Your Dream Life

7 Powerful Questions to Discover Your Dream Life


The quality of our lives is determined by the quality of the questions we ask.

Melvil Dewey, inventor of the Dewey Decimal System, believed that a well stated problem was half solved. Albert Einstein was once asked: “If you have one hour to save the world, how would you spend that hour?” He replied, “I would spend 55 minutes defining the problem and then five minutes solving it.”

What if within you already lies the answers to all your current challenges and the power to pursue your greatest life?

The right answers come from asking the right questions. Enabling you to unlock innate-knowing and self-trust that propels you toward a life that is aligned with all your passions, talents, and gifts.

7 Powerful Questions to Discover Your Dream Life, is a concise blueprint that guides you through deep reflections to decipher the clues that are already in your life. The clues that point you to the path of your greatest life. These clues can be used to help create a new North Star that will move you forward with renewed confidence, inspiration, and passion. This book shows you how to read those clues.

What if you no longer have to search for more in life but rather just l...