Cathy Cassidy Collection 8 Books Set (Gingersnaps, Angel Cake, Indigo blue, Driftwood, Dizzy, Scarlett, Sundae girl, Lucky Star)


Please Note That The Following Individual Books As Per Original ISBN and Cover Image In this Listing shall be Dispatched Collectively:

Cathy Cassidy Collection 8 Books Set (Gingersnaps, Angel Cake, Indigo blue, Driftwood, Dizzy, Scarlett, Sundae girl, Lucky Star):

Indigo Blue
When Indigo's mum announces that they're moving - just Indie, Mum and baby Misti - Indie doesn't understand. Why the hurry?

Angel Cake
Anya used to dream of moving to Britain to start a brand-new life. But as she sits in a school where nobody understands her.

Hannah and Joey have been best friends forever - just the two of them. But when Joey's new foster brother, Paul, turns up, everything changes.

Dizzy's mum left when she was small. But every year, on her birthday, something arrives in the post - a present or a card with her mum's loopy writing on it. Dizzy has kept everything.

I'll be different, I won't break the rules . . . I promise' Scarlett has got herself in trouble so often, her Mum no longer believes her promises.

Sundae Girl
Jude's family are crazy, quirky, bizarre . . . her mum brings her nothing but trouble and her dad thinks he's Elvis! All sh...


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