The Emerald Crown

The Emerald Crown


Many children will remember Miss Needham's book of last Christmas, The Black Riders, which proved such a success; as the Junior Book Club wrote in recommending it, “For sheer excitement The Black Riders must be awarded very high marks.” This year the same author gives us The Emerald Crown, a stirring tale of a boy and girl in the Kingdom of Flavonia. There is unrest in the country when Alex arrives from England to spend his holidays with the young Countess Pixie. The people are ruled by a usurper, but the rumour is still strong among them that the real heir to the throne is still alive. Some say they have seen a star fall over the mountains, which signifies the return of the Prince of Valens to the throne. Pixie knows these tales, and is determined to find the Emerald Crown, without which the rightful King cannot be acclaimed. But who is the rightful King ? The peasants know, for they bow their knees; the servants know, for they stare strangely. How Pixie and Alex rind out makes an exciting story full of intrigues and adventures, of drives through the snow and rides through the forests, of loyal friends and dangerous enemies. Anne Bullen adds to the colourful background with pic... (展開(kāi))