Miss Piggy's Rules: Swine-Tested Secrets for Getting Mr. Right, Keeping Him, and Throwing Him Back When You've Had Enough!

Miss Piggy's Rules: Swine-Tested Secrets for Getting Mr. Right, Keeping Him, and Throwing Him Back When You've Had Enough!


Now the goddess of romance herself tells you her secrets for getting what you want, getting rid of what you don't, and getting the most of love, life, and yourself.Move over Ellen and Sherrie, "Miss Piggy's Rules" is the only book you'll need. Spanning the entire are of relationships -- from dating through commitment and out the other side -- this guide is about discovering and landing that object of your desire, turning him into the love of your life, and dealing with him (and yourself) after he has become "the supreme scum of the universe".

Divided into 3 sections, "Miss Piggy's Rules'" humorous approach sets you straight on the do's and don'ts of love:
-- Dating: The Beginning -- Finding and Getting Mr. Right
-- The Relationship -- Getting Mr. Right's Stuff
-- The Afterlife -- Getting Rid of Me. Wrong (and Getting on with Your Life!)

Plus a special bonus section -- Moi's Guide to Getting Even! (Because sometimes he deserves a good deal more than goodbye.)

Included are quizzes, top ten lists on such topics as what to wear and when to call collect, diagram, and charts, and "Dear Piggy", where the expert herself answers your questions.