Charles Augustus Milverton

Charles Augustus Milverton


'Tell me, Watson, do you get a creeping feeling when you watch the snakes in the zoo? That's how I feel when I see Milverton. I've met more than fifty murderers in my life, but he is worse than all of them.'
In the attempt to save a woman's marriage, Holmes is forced to come face-to-face with one of his worst enemies: Charles Augustus Milverton. This abominable villain is holding hostage the secrets of London's rich and powerful, and threatening to ruin the innocent Lady Eva. Can Holmes and Watson stop him before time runs out?
About The Sherlock Holmes Children's Collection

Elementary-age reading, my dear Watson! This fun series adapts the classic mysteries of Holmes & Watson for young readers, and makes the perfect introduction to whodunit fun for ages 7 and up. All titles are also leveled for classroom use, including GRLs.