《英文原版 迪士尼皮克斯動(dòng)畫人物圖解百科 Disney Pixar Character Encyclopedia DK精裝兒童科普讀物 巴斯光年 尼莫 瓦力 大開本 .》 筆記
Today I read about Andy Davis and Sid, I know you know that Andy is a boy who likes to play with toys. Woody and buzz is a team of toys that he loves. So he played with them all day. And when he grow longer, he had take woody to a cowboy camp. So I think it's very good. But when he was old, he also don't say goodbye to his toys and he play with them every day. Now I will tell you that who is Sid.This is the most dangerous people in the story and he like to destroy toys and made them into like his other toys and they can trap the other... (展開)