發(fā)布于 2024-09-18
【小狐貍west045】The Treasure in the Well
(lf5 - Journey to the West - 045)

The Tang Monk introduced himself to the prince and then waved toward the others. "These are my companions. We're going to the Western Paradise to get scriptures from Buddha."
"What's going on?" asked the prince. "Why did the monkey lead me here?"
"The man ruling the Black Rooster Kingdom is not really the king," said the monk. He told the prince everything.
When the Tang Monk's story was finished, the prince was furious. "You're lying! I will have you arrested for making up such a story!"
The Tang Monk reached into his robe. He pulled out the jade coin. "Your father told me to show you this."
The prince gasped. "That coin belongs to my father! It's a royal treasure." He began to cry. "Your story must be true. My poor father. All this time, people thought that evil Daoist was him."
"Don't worry," said Wukong. "We'll get rid of that fake king."
* * *
Late that night Wukong lay awake. "The Daoist will deny everything," he thought. "We need proof that he killed the real king."
He poked Bajie, who was fast asleep. "Bajie, wake up."
The pig rolled over. "Leave me alone . . . sleeping."
"We need to do something," said Wukong.
"Not now," mumbled Bajie.
"I know where there's treasure," the monkey lied.
Bajie's eyes popped open. "Where is the treasure?"
"Follow me," said Wukong.
They went outside and flew to the palace. In a small courtyard, Wukong rushed toward a well.
"The treasure is in this well," said the monkey, pulling the lid off.
Bajie peered down into the darkness. "Is this the well the king was pushed into?"
"Oh, I'm not sure," said Wukong, pretending to not know. "The treasure is definitely down there though."
"How will we get it out?" asked the pig.
Wukong pushed Bajie, and the pig splashed into the water.
"You rotten monkey!" shouted Bajie.
The monkey laughed. "Find the treasure, and I'll let you back up."
Angry, Bajie dived down, deeper and deeper, until he arrived at a palace.
"Greetings," said a dragon. "I'm the Well Dragon King."
"My name is Zhu Bajie," said the pig. "I'm here for treasure."
"I don't have any treasure for you," said the dragon.
He looked up. "You came from the well. Are you from the Black Rooster Kingdom?"
"Not exactly," said Bajie. "My friends and I are helping the king of the Black Rooster Kingdom."
"Oh, really?" The dragon raised his eyebrows. "I have something for you. Follow me."
The Well Dragon King led Bajie into a room. The pig gasped. The body of a man lay on a table.
"This is the Black Rooster King's body," said the dragon. "Please take it back with you."
Bajie was furious that Wukong had tricked him. He lifted the king's body and headed back to the well. "I will get revenge later," he said to himself.
* * *
The next morning the Tang Monk looked at the king's body. "I wish we could bring him back to life."
"Wukong can bring him back to life," said Bajie suddenly.
"What!" cried the monkey.
The Tang Monk smiled. "That's wonderful, Wukong. Please bring him back to life right away."
Bajie giggled.
"I don't know how to do that!" said the monkey.
"Don't believe him, Master," said Bajie. "He can bring the king back to life. He just doesn't want to."
"That's not true!" protested Wukong.
"He's lying, Master," said Bajie. "Use the Tight Headband spell!"
回應(yīng) 舉報




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