發(fā)布于 2024-09-12
【小狐貍west027】The Ginseng Fruit
(lf5 - Journey to the West - 027)

The Tang Monk trembled with fear. The animals showed their fangs.
"Master!" cried Wukong.
The monkey was running fast. He swung his iron bar, and the animals ran back into the forest.
Wukong smiled. "Sorry for making the horse run, Master. I thought it would be funny."
The Tang Monk frowned. "It wasn't funny at all! Those beasts were going to attack me!"
"Nonsense," said Wukong. "You never have to fear any wild animals. You have three powerful companions."
Bajie and Wujing soon caught up to them. They all continued along the road.
The Tang Monk pointed to a building up ahead. "That looks like a Daoist abbey."
"I'm sure the abbey's priests will let us rest for a while," said Wujing.
When they reached the abbey, Bajie knocked on the door. Two priests opened it.
"I'm here with the Tang Monk," said the pig. "May we come in?"
The priests looked at the Tang Monk.
"Our master told us about you," said one of them. "He said you would travel past our abbey someday. Please, come in."
"Who is your master?" asked the Tang Monk. "How did he know about me?"
"Our master is the Great Immortal," said the first priest. "He is very wise and powerful."
Wukong laughed. "I've never heard of him. I doubt he's very powerful."
The Tang Monk scowled. "Show some respect, Wukong," he whispered.
The priests looked annoyed. "Our master is visiting friends in Heaven right now. If he wasn't powerful, he wouldn't be able to do that."
Wukong shrugged. "I used to live in Heaven. The place isn't that great."
"Wukong," said the Tang Monk. "Please go outside and tend the horse."
Wukong went back outside. Wujing went out to get the bags.
"May I use the kitchen?" asked Bajie. "I want to cook some food for the Tang Monk."
"It's through that door," said one priest. He pointed to a door in the back of the room.
Bajie went into the kitchen while the Tang Monk talked to the priests.
"There's a ginseng tree behind the abbey," said one priest. "Its fruit takes ten thousand years to become ripe. According to legend, one bite of the fruit will make you live forever. Would you like one?"
"A fruit like that is a true treasure," said the Tang Monk. "Will your master be upset if I eat it?"
"Our master said we could give you one," said the other priest. "We'll go and cut one down."
The two priests went outside. A moment later they came back in with a tray. The Tang Monk screamed. On the tray lay a tiny sleeping baby.
"I can't eat that," cried the monk. "It—it's a baby!"
"It's not a baby," said one priest. "It's a ginseng fruit. It only looks like a baby to you because you're a mortal."
"Please take it away!" cried the Tang Monk.
The priests tried to convince him that the fruit wasn't a baby. But the monk just shook his head. The priests took the ginseng fruit out of the room and into a hallway.
"We shouldn't waste this fruit," said one priest.
"No," said the other. "It is too delicious and valuable. Let's eat it ourselves."
The two priests shared the ginseng fruit. Bajie was in the kitchen nearby. He had heard everything they'd said. His stomach growled.
"That fruit sounds wonderful," said Bajie to himself. "I want some too!"
回應(yīng) 舉報


65 bird and kip
【小狐貍bird65】Two Lists
(Bird and Kip - 65)

"Honk! Honk!" called Goose.
It was later that day.
Goose landed in the park.

"I'm here!" called Goose. "Honk!"
Kip ran down the tree.
"I'm glad you're here, Goose!" he said.

Bird flew down.
49.Stop That Cat! (RAZ B)
Stop That Cat
路過。zoom past.
Cat zoom past the door/car/yard/fence/tree/dog/boy.
Cat need a long nap!
ORT L7-06 : Submarine Adventure ?? (Oxford Reading Tree)(Stories 6)
Roderick Hunt and Alex Brychta / Oxford
ORT L7-06 : Submarine Adventure ??
(Oxford Reading Tree)(Stories 6)


??2405 崽還挺喜歡。
38 Give Them Back! (RAZ D)
Alyse Sweeney / www.readinga-z.com
【Raz-D1-02】偷蛋還蛋?!?br/>38 Give Them Back!

????2310 崽又喜歡了。
????2301~2304 崽不喜歡,熏聽到這段會要求跳過。可能覺得做壞事不好。
90.The Hungry Goat (RAZ B)
The Hungry Goat

Goats like to eat everything.
Raz-B5-04 Raz-B-90 The Hungry Goat
Raz-C7-03 Raz-C-09 What Animals Eat
bird and kip 36
【小狐貍bird36】Kip's Note
(Bird and Kip - 36)

"My bird stamp is lost forever!" cried Bird.
Kip felt terrible.
"I think I'll send a note to Bird," he thought.

Kip went up to his hole.
He found a pencil and some paper.

"Dear Bird," he wro...
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Katherine Page
Jack and Lily's Favorite Food
in some ways. in this way.
different. the same.

???? 崽挺喜歡,大概是喜歡看小貓扒拉的樣子。
????2311 看razd的lily the cat這本時說還要看小貓不愛吃這個不愛吃那個都一本,媽媽找了小花生是razc里的一本很快在合集里拿出來看了。


1. It’s a chick.
句型:It’s a…
2. What color is the xxx?
句型:What color...?
3. It’s yellow.
句型:It’s + 顏色 句型
4.It’s a yellow chick.
句型:It’s a +顏色+n.
5. A xx says... ...
susan名詞句型07【W(wǎng)hat is big】
??susan名詞句型07【W(wǎng)hat is big】

What is big?
The xx is big.

The bus is big.

my head is smaller than your head.
your hair is longer than my hair.