發(fā)布于 2022-11-05
【臺詞】【佩奇S3-28】132 Whistling
Narrator: It is a lovely sunny morning. And Daddy Pig is reading his news paper.
Peppa: Daddy what are you doing?
Daddy Pig: I’m reading the newspaper.
Peppa: You are making a funny sound.
Daddy Pig: I’m whistling! Uh! Whistling is fun. You should try it!
Peppa: I don’t know how to.
Daddy Pig: It’s easy! Just put your lips together and blow!
Daddy Pig: Try making a smaller "o" shape.
Daddy Pig: Like this! And then you could whistle a tune.
Peppa: Oh, I’ve got the wrong kind of mouth.
Daddy Pig: Your mouth is fine! You just need to practice.
Peppa: It’s impossible!
Daddy Pig: It takes time to learn how to do important things like riding a bicycle or playing the piano. It took me years to learn how to wiggle my ears.
Peppa: Wow!
Narrator: Mummy Pig is in the kitchen making cookies.
Mummy Pig: What are you doing, Peppa?
Peppa: I’m learning to whistle.
Mummy Pig: Oh, I see.
Peppa: Mummy, can you whistle?
Mummy Pig: I don’t know. I’ve never tried.
Peppa: It takes a lot of practice.
Mummy Pig: Oh, yes!
Narrator: Mummy Pig can whistle.
Peppa: You can whistle because you are old, mummy.
Mummy Pig: Thank you, Peppa.
Narrator: George is in the bedroom, playing with his toy rocket.
Peppa: George, I’m learning to whistle. You make an "o" shape with your mouth and blow.
Peppa: Don’t worry George. It’s almost impossible like wiggling your ears.
Narrator: George can wiggle his ears.
Peppa: Whistling is harder.
Narrator: George can whistle!
Mummy Pig: What’s wrong, Peppa?
Peppa: I can’t whistle but everybody else can.
Mummy Pig: Never mind. I’m making cookies. Would you like to lip a spoon?
Peppa: No. Thank you. Mummy. Can I ring Suzy Sheep instead?
Mummy Pig: Ok Peppa
Mrs Sheep: Hello Mrs Pig.
Mummy Pig: Hello Mrs Sheep. Can Peppa talk to Suzy please?
Peppa: Hello Suzy.
Suzy: Hello Peppa. What’re you doing?
Peppa: I’m learning to whistle but I can’t do it yet.
Suzy: That sounds hard!
Peppa: It’s impossible. Uh... Can you whistle Suzy?
Suzy: No.
Peppa: Oh good! I mean that’s so difficult whistle. But good, because I can’t whistle.
Suzy: What’s whistling anyway?
Peppa: You put your lips together and blow.
Suzy: Like this? Hello? Peppa?
Mummy Pig: Good cookies are ready!
Daddy Pig: Oh! Goody! Cookies!
Mummy Pig: They will be hot! You should blow on them
Mummy Pig: Do you not want a cookie, Peppa?
Peppa: No, thank you mummy. I think I might go outside and be on my own for a little bit.
Daddy Pig: Can you whistle yet?
Peppa: It’s no use daddy. I’m never going to whistle. Ever!
Daddy Pig: Have you been practicing?
Peppa: Yes, lots. But it doesn’t work!
Mummy Pig: You need a little rest, Peppa. Here, have a cookie. It’s hot. You should blow.
Peppa: Oh! What’s that?
Daddy Pig: It sounded like a whistle to me!
Mummy Pig: What a lovely tune!
Narrator: Peppa has learned how to whistle!
Peppa: I can whistle!
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