發(fā)布于 2023-01-22
【臺詞】【佩奇S4-44】200 Mr Bull in a China Shop
Narrator: Peppa and her family are going for a drive.
Peppa: I love our car.
Daddy Pig: Ho-ho, and our car loves us, too. Don’t you?
Mr Bull: Stop!
Narrator: It’s Mr Bull and his friends.
George: Digger, digger.
Narrator: George likes diggers.
Daddy Pig: Hello, Mr Bull. What’s up?
Mr Bull: We are digging up the roads.
Mummy Pig: Will you take long?
Mr Bull: It will take as long as it takes.
Mr Bull: Lads, let’s smash up this old pipe.
Narrator: Mr Bull is good at smashing things.
Peppa & George: Wow!
Mr Bull: Day break!
Mummy Pig: Oh, dear. Now we have to wait even longer.
Mr Bull: Why don’t you join us, Mummy Pig? Plenty of tea to go around.
Mummy Pig: That sounds lovely. Thank you, Mr Bull.
Peppa: That’s a nice teapot, Mr Bull.
Mr Bull: Yes, Peppa. It’s made of delicate china.
Narrator: Mr Bull likes delicate china.
Mr Bull: You have to be very very careful with china.
Peppa: Why?
Mr Bull: Because china can break very easily.
Mr Bull: That’s why I always...
Peppa: Oh!
Narrator: Oh, dear, Mr Bull has smashed the teapot to pieces.
Peppa: Oh, no!
Mr Bull: I put it down too hard. I don’t I know my own strength?
Mr Rhino: Maybe we can fix it, boss. I’ve got cement.
Yellow Dog: I’ve got a rivet gun.
Mr Bull: It is not gonna work, lads.
Mummy Pig: I know! Miss Rabit has a china shop. She could mend it.
Mr Bull: Good idea. Mummy Pig. We’ll go right now.
Peppa: Can I come too?
Mr Bull: We’ll all go!
Narrator: Mr Bull is going to the china shop. This is Miss Rabit’s china shop.
Mr Bull: There we are.
Miss Rabit: Hello, can I help you?
Mr Bull: Moo!
Miss Rabit: Ah! A bull in a china shop.
Mr Bull: Hello, Miss Rabbit. I have broken my china teapot.
Miss Rabit: Oh, dear.
Peppa: Can you fix it?
Miss Rabbit: Let’s have a look. Mmm. That’s very broken.
Mr Bull: I smashed it to bits.
Miss Rabbit: Yes. But I think I can fix it.
Peppa: Oh, goodie. Can we help?
Miss Rabbit: Of course, Peppa.
Peppa: Oh. These two pieces fit together.
Narrator: Fixing the teapot is a bit like doing a jigsaw puzzle.
Miss Rabbit: Well done, Peppa. I’ll glue those bits together.
Narrator: George has also found two pieces that fit.
Miss Rabbit: Well done, George.
Miss Rabbit: Nearly finished. That’s the lid.
Miss Rabbit: There’s just this funny-shaped bit left. Where just that go?
Peppa: That’s the teapot’s handle, Miss Rabbit.
Miss Rabbit: Oh, so it is. I don’t know much about china teapots.
Mr Bull: It’s as good as new.
Miss Rabbit: Be careful not to smash it again.
Mr Bull: Ho-ho! I’m very good at smashing things.
All: Oh! Whew!
Miss Rabbit: Well done, Peppa.
Mr Bull: Thank you for mending my teapot, Miss Rabbit.
Miss Rabbit: No trouble, Mr Bull. Whew!
Yellow Dog: Look, boss, a pothole.
Narrator: There is a small hole in the road.
Mr Rhino: And it’s right outside Miss Rabbit’s shop.
Mr Bull: What do you think, lads? Can we have a hole outside Miss Rabbit’s shop?
Yellow Dog & Mr Rhino: No.
Mr Bull: You fixed my teapot. I’ll fix your road.
Miss Rabbit: Uh, it’s not my road.
Peppa: Mr Bull, how are you going to mend the hole?
Mr Bull: We’ll dig up the road.
Narrator: Mr Bull is digging up the road. Mr Bull likes digging up the road. Everybody likes digging up the road.
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