發(fā)布于 2023-02-27
L2-07 Monkey Tricks
Today we are going to read monkey tricks. Now look they are in the zoo looking at monkeys. And then look what is in Kipper’s hand? it says joke shop. What is the joke shop. That’s where you buy things for magics. OK, so let’s take a look.
●Page 1
Welcome to the zoo, I can see a giraffe and a smiling bear. What is dad doing? He is buying the tickets. How many tickets does he need? One, two, three, four, five, six, he needs six tickets. The children went to the zoo. Let’s go inside.
●Page 2-3
They looked at the giraffes. The giraffes were so tall, three or five meters tall. Look at the giraffe, what color is it? It is yellow and it has got brown patches, I love this patch. Look at the cleaner, he is the zookeeper, the zookeeper is cleaning the pan. The giraffes are very tall, do you love giraffes?
●Page 4-5
They went to see the seals, Atlantic seal, and the feeding time is 5 o’clock, I think there is feeding time now, the zookeeper is throwing the fish, and then they eat the fish happily. They look at the seals, look at the seals,they are so chubby and smooth and so cute ,the seals were hungry, are you hungry monkey?(Monkey: No, I’m not it’s not my feeding time.)
●Page 6-7
And then they looked at the crocodiles. Oh , look at the crocodiles, they are so long, they are Nile crocodiles, they are ugly and they have big month  and sharp teeth. Look, they are sleeping in the pond, don’t wake up them, and it says, don’t tap on glass, what is tap on glass? Here sees the glass, and go tap, tap, what is wrong? Just say hello, no, no, don’t do it to the animals. Can you imagine they are sitting there a whole day hearing thousands taps, knock, knock, it is must be annoying (Monkey: We can not tap on glass, that is a noise for animal)
●Page 8-9
They looked at the parrots, look, so many parrots. Here says parrots of south American, I believe they are called macaws, look how beautiful they are, red, yellow, blue, so pretty, and here is a pure green one. Parrots can imitate what you say, they can copy your words, if you say hello, they will say hello, not all. They got a curved beak and very beautiful feathers, I like parrots, do you like them? Parrots were noisy.
●Page 10-11
They looked at the elephants, here are the mummy elephants and the baby elephants, it has very long trunk and two long tusks, the elephant is so cool, it can say hello with its nose, the elephants were big, they are Africa elephants, African elephants have really big ears, they are looking at the elephant very happily. What is Kipper doing here? Kipper is shopping for something from the joke shop.( Monkey: what is the joke shop? S: The joke shop is where you buy trick items, I wander what is Kipper shopping for? I don’t know.) Look at the zookeeper, the zookeeper is holding the a brush ,and the zookeeper is brushing the elephant’s  tusk.
●Page 12-13
They looked at the monkeys, look, this monkey is eating a banana, they have got an apple and some bananas, it is looking at the people and saying “Hi” The monkeys were funny. Look, Kipper comes back.
●Page 14-15
But they didn’t see Kipper, they looked for Kipper, Kipper, where are you? (M: Where is Kipper?  S: I don’t know where Kipper is, but I do know a rhesus monkey was outside the cage, that is not good, we need to find the zookeeper.)
●Page 16
Kipper, where are you? BOO! What! Here comes Kipper wearing a mask, wait a minute, this was not a rhesus monkey, it was Kipper, look at his hand, so Kipper were wearing a rhesus monkey mask, oh, that is funny, oh, I know, look(P10), Kipper bought the mask at the joke shop, Kipper looked like a monkey.
●Question and Answer.
1.-Where are they?
-They are in the zoo.
2.-What are they looking at?
-They are looking at the giraffes.
3.What do you see on giraffe’s body?
-Dark patches.
4.-What are the looking at now?
-The seals.
5.-What animals are sleeping here?
-Crocodiles are sleeping.
6.-Can you tap on glass?
-No, we can not tap on glass.
7.-What animals are very noisy?
-Parrots are noisy.
8.-What are they looking at now?
They are looking at the elephants
9.-What kind of animals are they?
-They are rhesus monkeys.
10.-What did Kipper buy?
-Kipper bought a rhesus monkey mask.
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作者:Roderick Hunt, Alex Brychta
出版社:Oxford University Press