發(fā)布于 2022-11-05
【臺詞】【佩奇S3-32】136 Hospital
Narrator: It is play time at school. Peppa and her friends are running around having fun.
Peppa: Oh, that hurts.
Suzy: Are you all right, Peppa?
Peppa: I’ve hurt my knee.
Rebecca: Madame Gazelle, Peppa has fallen over.
Madame Gazelle: You just grazed your knee, Peppa.
Narrator: First, Madame Gazelle cleans Peppa’s knee. Then she puts a plaster on it.
Madame Gazelle: Does it feel any better?
Peppa: Yes. Thank you.
Madame Gazelle: Now, children, you may have noticed that Pedro Pony isn’t here today.
Suzy: Is he late again?
Madame Gazelle: No, Suzy. Pedro is in hospital.
Kids: Woooo.
Madame Gazelle: And today, we are going to visit him.
Narrator: This is the hospital. Peppa and her friends have come to visit Pedro.
Madame Gazelle: Remember, children, stay close to me. I
don’t want you get lost.
Kids: Yes, Madame Gazelle!
Madame Gazelle: Excuse me, Mr Bull, which way is the children’s ward?
Mr Bull: Down the steps, double doors, right, left, right along the corridor. Up the stairs, third on your left. Or you could just take the lift.
Mr Bull: Children’s ward!
Suzy: Pedro will be asleep. Sick people do a lot of sleeping.
Pedro: Hello, everyone!
Others: Hello, Pedro.
Suzy: Why aren’t you asleep? You don’t look sick.
Pedro: I broke my leg and they put it in this plaster cast.
Kids: Wow!
Narrator: The plaster cast helps Pedro’s leg get better.
Peppa: I grazed my knee and I got a plaster too.
Pedro: Wow, do you want to draw on my plaster cast?
Peppa: Yes, please.
Narrator: The children are all doing drawings on Pedro’s plaster cast.
Danny: I am drawing a football.
Suzy: I’ve drawn some flowers.
Candy: Mr Potato.
Rebecca: A parrot.
Peppa: And I’v drawn a muddy puddle.
Pedro: Wow, thanks everyone.
Peppa: You can draw on my plaster, too.
Pedro: OK, I will draw a little flower.
Peppa: Thank you. Pedro.
Danny: Pedro, what’s it like being in hospital?
Pedro: It is great!
Suzy: What the nurse is like?
Pedro: They give me stickers.
Kids: Wow!
Pedro: And they come whenever I press this button.
Mrs Cow: Who’s that? I wonder?
Mrs Fox: Could it be Pedro?
Mrs Fox: What do you want, Pedro? We are very busy.
Pedro: I’ve got a bit of an itch.
Mrs Fox: Even if your leg is itching, we can’t take the cast off until your leg is better.
Pedro: It is not my leg that is itching. It is my ear.
Mrs Fox: Is that better?
Pedro: Yes, thank you.
Miss Rabbit: Lunch time! What would you like to eat today, Pedro?
Pedro: Can I have spaghetti and sponge pudding, please?
Peppa: You get your dinner in bed?
Pedro: Yes.
Dr Brown Bear: That looks tasty.
Narrator: Doctor Brown Bear has come to see how Pedro is doing.
Dr Brown Bear: How are we, today, Pedro?
Pedro: My ear is a bit itchy. Just here.
Dr Brown Bear: I say you are almost better.
Mrs Fox: Visiting time is over.
Kids: Bye, Pedro!
Pedro: Bye, everyone.
Madame Gazelle: Get well soon, Pedro!
Pedro: Yes, Madame Gazelle.
Narrator: It is another school day. Peppa and her friends are playing in the playground.
Peppa: Madame Gazelle, my plaster had fallen off. Can I have another one?
Madame Gazelle: You don’t need a plaster, Peppa. Your knee is better.
Peppa: Oh, yes.
Pedro: Hello, everyone.
Narrator: Pedro Pony is back.
Peppa: Oh, hello, Pedro. Where is your plaster cast?
Pedro: They take it off because my leg is better.
Danny: Is your leg stronger now?
Pedro: It’s stronger than it was before. It is a super leg.
Emily: Can you run on it?
Pedro: Watch this!
Narrator: Pedro likes running around having fun.
Everybody likes running around having fun.
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30.My Brain (RAZ B)
My Brain
身體部位。I use xx to do / for sth.
I use my brain to think/see/talk/listen/move/sleep/laugh / for everything.

i use my xx to xxx.
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ORT L5-01 : The Magic Key ??
(Oxford Reading Tree)(Stories 1)


15.What Has These Feet? (RAZ B)
Kira Freed
What Has These Feet?
What kind of animal has these/no feet?
A/An duck/elephant/tiger/shark has these little/big/soft / no feet.
28.Our Show (RAZ B)
Our Show
表演,舞臺。動詞句型能。in our show.
We can put on a show.
We can sing/dance/act/juggle/take bows/be starts in our show.
All we need is you.
Numberblocks S6-15 The Pattern of Patterns ?
【Numberblocks S6-15 The Pattern of Patterns】
#nb01 #nb02 #nb03 #nb04 #nb05 #nb06
#nb07 #nb08 #nb09 #nb10 #nb15 #nb16
#Numberblobs #Blockzilla
#Pentagon #Hexagon #Rex

Identifying patterns and sequences

The Patte...
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ORT L7-04 : The Lost Key
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后面接牛8-01: The Kidnappers。
小小牛頓幼兒館STEAM系列 神奇機器:上上下下的科學(xué)
臺灣牛頓出版公司 編著 / 北京聯(lián)合出版公司
【小小牛頓幼兒館STEAM系列 神奇機器:上上下下的科學(xué)】

【英語】牛2-10 Up and Down
●escalator 扶梯 handrail 把手
what can an escalator do?
you can stand on it, and you don't need to walk,
just put your hand on the handrail and just stand,
it will take you up.

1. Go?away! Don’t annoy me!
游戲:隨機抽名詞卡來熟悉這句話 ??
2. Let’s look at the word, annoy.
3. The?fly is annoying the lion.
句型:現(xiàn)在進行時 be doing 一定要多練 (is?doing)
4. There?are two flies.