發(fā)布于 2020-10-10
The Alamo is the war where Texas became independent from Mexico after the cruel rule of Santa Anna who was eventually being caught. What happened first is that Spain colonist landed on the east coast of central America and their territory soon expanded and became as big as the USA today, they have the land of the entire West coast of USA today only except Washington state before the rebellion. Then there’s the “Texas Fever” in the 1810s to the 20s where poor USA farms went to Texas and buy cheap land that priced sometime as low as 4 to 3 cents per arche. When Santa Anna became the ruler of Mexico, he was not happy about the increasing number of USA people in his own territory, so he started to add taxes on USA people to tell the USA people to go away. Later the Mexican them self-rebelled with the USA people because they are actually becoming friends and some even starting families together, so they started rebelling and the war broke out soon. The reason that the war first started was because the lawless Mexican soldiers ran into a little town where there are a little cannon there which is actually very small that can’t even harm a proper built normal home wall, but the people in the town think that they need this cannon for safety so they started the fight, and one of the most amazing thing is that the war actually won, and the soldiers eventually lost, and that was just the start of the lost of Mexican army, let’s just say it as the Mexican here and the Texas people as the Texian. Later the war was mainly on the city of Bexar where the Texian first won the war and celebrated but soon got thrown out by the Mexican, but the Texian doesn’t want to leave this city, and they also got a new leader who is good at strategies. With these two reasons supporting, there are still one more is that the Texians also have the better weapon which can shoot further, more accurate, and more powerful. They soon fought back their land and won their independent. Later after the war, Santa Anna was found hiding in tall grass with an unsheared beard and old shirts, he was overthrown by his own people, because he was not only hated by the Texian, but also by the Mexicans later during the war because he was just forcing people to join the army which many died. There we have it, Texas was independent now, and one of the important people in the war was Houston who’s name later became the name of the big city Houston. Also, there are many more important people in this book, so if you want to found out that, go ahead and read this book to found out yourself! 
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