發(fā)布于 2020-12-29 · 圖片3
這是經(jīng)典的“if you’re happy and you know it”英文兒歌的動物版本。適合跟寶寶一起唱,一起仿照動物做動作,同時認一認動物。西米目前是無論在哪里看見海豹??都會跟媽媽示意的拍手。。
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The Wiggles: Baa Baa Black Sheep: Nursery Rhyme Song Book!
The Wiggles 著 / Five Mile Press
The Wiggles are an Australian children’s music group formed in Sydney.這本英文兒歌是澳洲The Wiggles出品的英文兒歌紙板書。書的特點是色彩鮮艷,字體大。適合小寶寶的小手翻翻,不用擔心會撕壞它。寶寶還是挺喜歡書的顏色的。西米整天拿著這本書喊“baa,baa”,因為他還發(fā)不出來“sheep”,所以目前“baa,baa”對于他來說就是羊??的意思。

Cloudbabies is a whimsical, animated pre-school series following Baba Pink, Baba Blue, Baba Yellow & Baba Green, whose job is to look after the sky, with a little help from Bobo White. They live in a house on a big fluffy cloud and work to...
Little Lift & Look Jungle
Usborne新出的巴掌大的小小翻翻書,適合在peep inside之前讀一讀。這本書的主角是一只小猴子。Lift leaves and branches to follow a funny little monkey around the jungle and find out who else lives there.隨著小猴子上竄下跳,看看都遇到了叢林里的哪些動物吧。
Sing Along with Me! Twinkle Twinkle Little Star
Yu-Hsuan Huang / Nosy Crow
媽媽從剛出生就唱“twinkle twinkle little star”哄睡,所以有這本書以后,西米馬上就喜歡了。剛開始翻著書聽媽媽唱,后來擺弄里面的各種小機關(guān),再后來自己開始指認里面的各種小動物。有一頁轉(zhuǎn)盤,有小動物在天上飛,小動物在地上跑,西米轉(zhuǎn)了又轉(zhuǎn),指著一個個小動物讓媽媽說了一遍又一遍,還從這本書里學會了第一個英文動物的單詞“owl”,那時候?qū)殞毑?1個月。
Handyman Hal is a family friendly channel that takes you on entertaining and educational adventures.
That is fun for the entire family. Experience a wide variety of episodes including construction, lawn care, tractors, tools, car washes and...
Sing Along with Me! Hey Diddle Diddle
Nosy Crow, Yu-Hsuan Huang (Illustrator) / Nosy Crow
非常經(jīng)典的英文童謠,配合這本機關(guān)童謠書的相應動作,非常適合寶寶理解歌詞,寶寶也很有興趣去推,拉,轉(zhuǎn)。寶寶在自己忙碌的同時,還能去關(guān)注里面的細節(jié),比如最后一頁,拉開 “the dish run away with the spoon”,寶寶發(fā)現(xiàn)那頭“the cow jumped over the moon”的牛??,現(xiàn)在在月亮??下面吃草。每次寶寶都一定要拉開,找到這個牛??指一指。
The Wheels on the Bus 紙板發(fā)音書
Hinkler / Hinkler
Little World: Shopping Trip
illustrated by Samantha Meredith / Penguin random house
一本語言地道的英文機關(guān)書,電梯的小機關(guān)寶寶很喜歡,媽媽喜歡邊拉電梯向上,邊教寶寶數(shù)數(shù)“0,1,2,3,there are four levels in this shopping mall?!钡湫偷挠⑹降臉菍訑?shù)法。翻過來看,向上的電梯又變成了幾層高的噴泉?,旁邊就是mall里休息吃飯的food court。
最后一頁“we queue up at the till to pay before we head back home?!闭Z言非常地道。
One, Two, Tie Your Shoes!
Lorraine Gregory(Author)
This book is specifically designed to give your child the practice he or she needs to learn to tie shoes in a fun simple way.The words are written to tunes of favorite songs and rhythms-a proven way to help your child remember each step知行合一...
Really Feely Trucks
DK Publishing / DK Children
都是寶寶們喜歡的工程車們的實物照片再制作的,不同的車的不同部位,材質(zhì)不同,引導孩子去摸一摸,感受一次,同時也學會了車的不同部位的單詞,以及形容詞,比如“glittery headlights”,“squashy tyres"等等。
if you're happy and you know it
作者:Jenny Tulip
出版社:Flying Frog Publishing