發(fā)布于 2020-10-12
The Boston Tea Party was one of the biggest protests ever. What happened that day was just part of the whole event, it all started with the French and Indian war where British people used army to take overed a lot of land in North America, but the land didn’t come in ease, it takes a lot of money from the British treasury and almost emptied it and the King George III think that the money must be payed by the colonists because he think the war was fought for the colonies. The colonists were furious, they barely have any benefit from this war and now they have to pay extra taxes passed from London across the ocean without their permission. So they started protesting and boycotting. The king was angry about what the colonist had done so he passed more taxes and he also sent many soldiers to America to control the people there. The first fight took place near Boston, and some people died, soon more died but and the king feel like he shouldn’t add that much taxes so he cut off most of the taxes but still remaining the tea tax. Soon, he made all tea half price because he want to sell all the left over tea in the west Indian company’s storage. What’s weird was that the colonists doesn’t feel good still, they keep protesting and asked the ship loaded with tea not to land in Boston harbor, but the ship did. In order to avoid the tea to unload, they decided to dump all the tea into Boston Harbor. When the did during the night, more than one hundred people got onboard wearing like Indians and even more people watched on the shore, the people on the ship dumped every box of tea into the Harbor but they left everything else unharmed. After the tea party, the harbor turned brown just like a huge cup of tea and the lost of tea that night may will cost more than 1 million dollars in todays money. Many colonists were happy but some are not, for example, George Washington from southern states was not happy about this because he think this is the harm to personal property that will make the new country be out of order. But still many think this is good and this also made the king very angry, so he sent many troop and officers to fight against the colonists and started the independent war that lasted for 8 years. But the tea party didn’t do just wasting tea, but it also showed the Colonists dream of independent, they don’t fear the harsh punishment but they didn’t care, they want independent. When England eventually surrendered in 1783, the former colonists who’s now citizens of USA now cheered for the victory, but they still need to remember the Boston Tea party that played a key part in their victory. And that victory effected all the way to today.
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