發(fā)布于 2022-11-13
【臺詞】【佩奇S4-02】158 The New House
Narrator: Daddy Pig is working hard in his work room.
Peppa: What are you doing, Daddy?
Daddy Pig: I’m building a new house.
Peppa: It’s very small. Is it a house for elves and fairies?
Daddy Pig: Oh, no. This is a model. The real house will be much bigger.
Peppa: Ah?
Daddy Pig: And this is a drawing of what needs to be built.
Peppa: I think something is missing, Daddy. There!
Narrator: Peppa has drawn a swing to go outside the house.
Daddy Pig: Perfect. Would you like to visit the new house?
Peppa: Yes, please!
Narrator: Daddy Pig is taking Peppa and George to see the house he’s building.
Daddy Pig: Here we are!
Peppa: But Daddy, there’s nothing here.
Daddy Pig: That’s because the building work hasn’t started yet.
George: Digger! Digger!
Narrator: Here are Mr Bull and his friends.
Daddy Pig: Mr Bull has come to build the new house.
Peppa: Aren’t you building it, Daddy?
Daddy Pig: I’ve done the hard bit. Mr Bull just has to follow my instructions.
Mr Bull: Hello, Mr Pig! What is it to be? Car park?
Swimming pool? Rocket station?
Daddy Pig: A house! Can you build it exactly like this please?
Peppa: But bigger.
Mr Bull: Mr Pig wants a house.
Mr Rhino: Is it going to be built of straw?
Yellow Dog: Or sticks?
Mr Bull: Or bricks, Mr Pig?
Daddy Pig: Bricks, please!
Mr Bull: Good choice.
Peppa: Don’t forget the swing!
Mr Bull: Don’t worry, Peppa. We won’t.
Peppa: Can I help?
Narrator: George wants to help too.
Mr Bull: OK, George!
Mr Bull: Could you put a blob of mortar here?
Peppa: It looks like a square of tin mud.
Mr Bull: Mortar is a very special kind of mud that sticks bricks together.
Mr Bull: Peppa, would you like to lie the first brick?
Peppa: Yes, please!
Mr Bull: Well done! I’ll do the rest.
Mr Bull: Bricks must be laid straight on level, see? Line after line.
Peppa: That will take ages!
Mr Bull: Yes.
Peppa: Will you finish it today?
Mr Bull: Oh, no. You can’t build a house in a day. It’ll be finished tomorrow.
Daddy Pig: Good! See you tomorrow, Mr Bull!
Peppa: Bye-bye.
Mr Bull: Bye.
Peppa: George put the sticky mud down, and I put the brick on top.
Mummy Pig: That all sounds very exciting. Now, close your eyes and go to sleep.
Narrator: It is morning. Peppa and George cannot wait to see the new house.
Peppa: It’s finished.
Daddy Pig: Almost finished. It just needs to be inspected.
Narrator: Mr Rabbit is the building inspector.
Mr Rabbit: Very good. But wait! It’s not finished.
Daddy Pig: What?
Mr Rabbit: You forgot the swing.
Mr Bull: Moo! Oh, no. We didn’t.
Peppa: Thank you, Mr Bull.
Daddy Pig: Now it’s all ready for our new neighbours to move in.
Peppa: Neighbours?
Daddy Pig: Yes, Peppa. We’ve got new neighbours.
Narrator: Mr Wolf and his family are moving into their new home.
Mr Wolf: Oh, look, little piggies.
Wendy: Hello, I’m Wendy wolf.
Peppa: I’m Peppa pig.
Mr Wolf: Thank you for building our house, Mr Pig. What’s it made of, straw, sticks?
Daddy Pig: It’s made of bricks.
Mr Wolf: Let’s see how strong it is. I’ll huff and I’ll puff, and I’ll...
Mr Wolf: Mmm, that is strong. What’s your own house made of, Mr Pig?
Daddy Pig: Bricks. So don’t even think about it!
Wendy: Oh, a swing.
Peppa: That was my idea.
Wendy: It’s very good. You have a go.
Peppa: Can you push me?
Wendy: No, I’ll huff and puff instead.
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