發(fā)布于 2023-03-03
L3-06 The Steel Band
Buddy you're a boy make a big noise, playing in the street gonna be a big man some day,
you got mud on your face, you big disgrace, kicking your can all over the place. We will, we will,
rock you. We will, we will, rock you. I love that song and you know what? The steel band is
coming to school. I think we should go and watch them. OK? Ta-da, let’s go!
●Page 1
A band came to play. Wow, look, they look so smart. Everyone is wearing their performing
suit. They are wearing white pants, white shoes, oh, she is not wearing white shoes, and white
pants and white suit with floral sleeves. I love the sleeves, yellow, orange, white, beautiful! I want
to wear those suits. I want to play with them. Yes, I think so. If you practice hard, one day you can
play in a band too. OK?
●Page 2
Let’s see. My name is Stand, said a man, I want you to help us. Wow, they are playing music,
but wait a minute, look at their drums, their drums look a little bit weird, different from the normal
drums. Yes, I can play drums, OK? And I remember drums are not made of steel only. But look at
their drums, they are made of steel, completely steel. Look, this one basically looks like a steel
barrel. But anyway, everything can make music, right? OK, now he is holding two drum sticks,
and he said, I need your help. But how can children help?
●Page 3
Here he says, I want you to clap, he said, and clap your hands and tap your feet. Now let’s
help them, OK? Clap, tap, clap, clap, clap, tap, tap, tap. Can you do it? Ready? Go! Clap, clap,
clap, tap, tap, tap. It is not easy, huh? And I think we are doing our job very well. And the children
are happy too.
●Page 4
Now I want to sing a song, sing it with us. Which song do you want to sing? If you are happy,
and you know it, clap your hands. Yes, let’s do it! If you are happy, and you know it, clap your
hands. If you are happy, and you know it, clap your hands. If you are happy, and you know it, and
you really want to show it. If you are happy, and you know it, clap your hands. Good job! Now,
this is what you should with the band, you sing, and they play the music. Happy time!
●Page 5
Wow, the children sang with the band. Now clap as you sing. So clap as you sing means you
do these two things together. So it goes, if you are happy, and you know it, clap your hands. That’s
not easy, let’s try it again. Ready? Go! If you are happy, and you know it, clap your hands. If you
are happy, and you know it, clap your hands. Good job! OK!
●Page 6
So, let’s see. Wow, why are they so happy and raising their hands? Who wants to play in the
band? I do. The children put up their hands. I do, I do, I do. Everyone says, I do.
●Page 7
OK, and then everyone plays, great! So everyone wanted to play. You can all play, said Stan.
And all the children rush up to the band and they go bang, bang, bang. Wow, that’s really cool!
●Page 8
It must be very noisy. Now Wilf hit the drum. Bang! Wow, that was loud. Shh! Tap it, tap it,
said Stan. Don’t bang it. What’s the difference between tap and band? Well, you tap to play the
music instrument, tap, tap, tap. But you bang to hit something. Bang! You may want to bang on
the door or maybe the wall, OK?
●Page 9
So, now everyone knows how to play the drums. So you tap, tap, tap, especially when the
drum is made of steel. It is very loud. What a grand band! It is a band so big that even those ladies
are playing along with their ladles, ladles. So happy!
I love the story, so why don’t we read it again?
Wow, it is so cool and I am so excited. So why don’t we answer some questions?
What are they playing? They are playing steel drums. That’s really cool, steel drums! So they are
the steel band! Good job!
And what are they wearing? Their performing suits with floral sleeves. That’s very good!
And what are they doing? They are clapping and tapping their feet. Good job!
And can they all play? Yes, they can sing and tap and clap and play the music.
But tell me, what is right to do? Should you tap or should you bang? You should tap. Good! You
should tap not bang!
And what are they playing along with? They are playing along with ladles. Good job!
So, Danielle, ready to play? Music!
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Grow, xxs, grow!

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Grow, vegetables, grow!
I want to make a salad!

Carrots grew under the ground.
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It was later that day.
Goose landed in the park.

"I'm here!" called Goose. "Honk!"
Kip ran down the tree.
"I'm glad you're here, Goose!" he said.

Bird flew down.