發(fā)布于 2024-09-18
【小狐貍west067】The Master Thief
(lf5 - Journey to the West - 067)

"What are we going to do now?" cried Wukong. "One-Horned Buffalo stole all our weapons!"
The warrior rubbed his chin. He looked very serious. "We can't go back to the Jade Emperor. He'll be angry if he finds out we couldn't arrest the demon."
"You're right," said the fire god. "We need a different plan. It's getting dark out, almost nighttime. Maybe one of us can sneak into the cave and steal that metal ring."
The thunder god smiled. "I know who's perfect for that job."
The others all looked at the god.
"One of us is a master thief," the thunder god continued. "He once stole all the peaches from the Royal Peach Garden."
Now everyone looked at Wukong.
The monkey pretended to laugh. "Ha-ha. Yes, it's true. I used to steal things, but I know now that stealing is wrong. However, I will steal that metal ring because I need to save the Tang Monk. You all wait here."
The monkey turned himself into a tiny bug and flew into the cave. He went down a long, dark tunnel followed by another tunnel. Then he heard One-Horned Buffalo.
Wukong flew toward the voice. The demon was sitting on the edge of a bed, talking to himself. The metal ring was still on his arm.
"It's time for bed," said the demon with a yawn. "I hope I can eat the Tang Monk tomorrow. I couldn't eat him today because of that annoying monkey and his friends from Heaven."
The demon lay down and was soon asleep.
Wukong flew over and landed on the demon's arm. "I'll bite his arm," thought the monkey. "He'll get itchy and have to take off the metal ring."
Wukong bit the demon's arm again and again.
The demon rolled over and mumbled in his sleep, "Bugs . . . itchy . . ." He scratched his arm.
Wukong bit him some more. The demon scratched and scratched. But he didn't take off the metal ring.
"This isn't working," thought Wukong. He was about to leave the room when he spotted some things in the corner. He gasped. "Our weapons!"
Quietly he changed back into himself. He made his iron bar small and put it in his ear. Then he grabbed the flaming spear, the thunderbolt, and the sword.
* * *
Outside the cave the others were waiting.
The warrior made a fist. "I hope Wukong steals that metal ring. I am so angry at that demon!"
"So am I," said the fire god. "I can't believe he stole my fire spear."
The thunder god held up a hand. "Shh. The door is opening."
The three of them held their breath. When they saw Wukong peek out, they were relieved.
"Did you get the ring?" asked the thunder god.
"No, but look!" The monkey held up the weapons.
"Well done, Wukong!" said the fire god.
The thunder god clapped the monkey on the back. "Thank you, Wukong."
The warrior held up his sword. "We're all armed. We can easily defeat the demon now."
"You're right," said Wukong. He looked around. "Is everyone ready?"
"Yes!" said the warrior.
"Yes!" said the fire god.
"Yes!" said the thunder god.
The monkey banged on the cave door. "Wake up, One-Horned Buffalo! Get out here right now or we'll destroy your entire mountain!"
The demon stepped outside, yawning. Then he saw the weapons. "How dare you steal from me!" He held up the metal ring. Before anyone could react, the weapons were sucked into it once again.
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