發(fā)布于 2024-09-12
【小狐貍west022】A Very Strange Pill
(lf5 - Journey to the West - 022)

The Black Wind King took a step back. He looked confused. "That pill jumped down my throat!"
The entire cave filled with light. The bear squeezed his eyes shut. When he opened them, Guanyin was standing before him.
"Guanyin!" the bear cried. "You tricked me with a disguise!"
"Return the robe at once," said Guanyin.
"No," said the Black Wind King. "I don't want to . . . Ugh." He held his stomach and groaned.
"Are you feeling okay?" asked Wukong's voice.
The bear looked around, surprised. "I just heard the monkey!" He fell to his knees and groaned again. "Where are you?"
"I'm inside you!" said Wukong. "I changed myself into a pill to trick you. Now I'm going to practice some of my fighting skills!"
The monkey punched and kicked the bear's insides.
Boomph! Pow! Boomph! Pow!
"Aargh!" cried the Black Wind King, rolling on the floor.
Wukong jumped up and down, did flips, and ran around in circles.
"Please stop!" shouted the Black Wind King. "You're hurting my belly!"
"Give back the robe," said Guanyin.
"I will, I promise!" said the bear. "I will do anything you say! Just please tell the monkey to stop!"
Guanyin held up a metal headband. It looked just like the one on Wukong's head. She placed it on the bear's head.
"Wukong, come out now," said Guanyin.
A tiny Wukong popped out of the Black Wind King's nose. He quickly grew to his normal size.
"Where's the robe?" asked the monkey.
The bear pointed to a dark room in the back of the cave.
After Wukong left to get the robe, the Black Wind King charged at Guanyin.
But the bear was too slow. Guanyin threw four more metal bands at him. Two clamped onto his wrists. The other two clamped onto his ankles.
When the bodhisattva began reciting a spell, the bear screamed. "Please stop!"
"Do you promise to be good?" asked Guanyin.
"Yes!" answered the Black Wind King. "I promise."
Wukong came back with the robe. When he saw the bear, he laughed. "You have five of those bands!"
The Black Wind King looked at the ground and sighed.
"I got the robe, Bodhisattva," said the monkey. "What should we do with the bear?"
"I will show him mercy," said Guanyin. "He can be my guardian on Mount Potalaka if he behaves."
The bodhisattva led the bear out of the cave and vanished.
* * *
Wukong flew back to the monastery.
"You got the robe!" cried the Tang Monk when he saw the monkey.
"I did," said Wukong.
The two travelers headed west again. Wukong told the monk about his adventure with the Black Wind King.
"I destroyed the Daoist priest," the monkey explained. "He was really an evil wolf spirit. Then Guanyin made herself look like him."
"And you turned yourself into a pill," said the Tang Monk.
"And I went right into that bear's belly." Wukong laughed. "He was very surprised!"
The Tang Monk smiled. "I think we both learned a valuable lesson, Wukong. I will never show anyone the robe again."
"That's a good idea," said Wukong. "The robe is a gift from Buddha. We must be careful . . ." He stopped talking and pulled out his iron bar. "There's a spirit nearby." He looked toward a nearby cave.
There was a snort. The Tang Monk shook with fear.
A pig-like creature leaped from the cave, swinging a heavy rake.
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bird and kip 12
【小狐貍bird12】Lost at Sea!
(Bird and Kip - 12)

Bird and Kip were out on the ocean.
The box floated on the waves.
It bobbed up and down.

"We're sailing, Kip!" said Bird.
"And I'm having a lot of fun!"

But Kip wasn't having fun at all.

Can you cover your xx?
Cover your eyes and don't peep.
Cover your ears. It's too noisy.

媽媽拿出cover,選擇一種指認(rèn)單詞的游戲(游戲見“循環(huán)復(fù)習(xí)”環(huán)節(jié)),并引導(dǎo)寶寶說出cover。只要有輸出,就要馬上獎(jiǎng)勵(lì),咱們學(xué)過超多的獎(jiǎng)勵(lì)方法,比如high five,貼貼...
04 Frog Is Hungry (RAZ D)
Written by Maribeth Boelts. Illustrated by Tad Butler / Learning A-Z

04 Frog Is Hungry
Frog lives in a tank.
A boy feeds him frog food.
"I love frog food!" says F.
The boy takes F outside.
F hops away. Hop×3.
"I am hungry," says F.
F eats a flower/stick. Munch×3. / Crunch×3.
65 bird and kip
【小狐貍bird65】Two Lists
(Bird and Kip - 65)

"Honk! Honk!" called Goose.
It was later that day.
Goose landed in the park.

"I'm here!" called Goose. "Honk!"
Kip ran down the tree.
"I'm glad you're here, Goose!" he said.

Bird flew down.
01 Grow, Vegetables, Grow! (RAZ D)
Alyse Sweeney / www.readinga-z.com
01 Grow, Vegetables, Grow!

I water the xx plants.
Grow, xxs, grow!

carrot/pepper/tomato/green bean

Grow, vegetables, grow!
I want to make a salad!

Carrots grew under the ground.
bird and kip 48
【小狐貍bird48】Bird's New Tree
(Bird and Kip - 48)

Bird found a tree in the south.
She hung up her bag.
Then she started to build a nest.

Soon a breeze blew through the tree.
Bird's bag swung upside down.
And Kip's lucky acorn fell out.
Water Fight! (RAZ C)
Water Fight!
get soaked with xx.
Jasmine/Pancho/Emma/Luis/Jacob/William/Nora/Madison got soaked with a bath toy / sponge / squirt gun / noodle / water ballon / bucket / hose / by everyone!
ORT L7-12 : The Jigsaw Puzzle ?? (Oxford Reading Tree)(More Stories A 5)
Roderick Hunt and Alex Brychta / Oxford
ORT L7-12 : The Jigsaw Puzzle ??
(Oxford Reading Tree)(More Stories A 5)

Frisbee飛盤 plate
sword刀 劍