發(fā)布于 2023-03-03
L3-18 The Cold Day
Today, we are gonna read this book, The Cold Day. Susan, what's wrong with you? I am so
cold. And I am chattering. Why do you chatter? Well, I chatter because I am so cold that my
muscles need to warm up, warm me up by moving faster. I am shivering, it is too cold. OK, I am
better, alright? So the cold day. Tell me, can you go swimming on a cold day? That’s a silly idea,
don’t do that! When I see him, I feel cold and I shiver and chatter. So on a cold day, put on more
clothes and stay away from the pool or the sea, OK? But Kipper was somehow in the sea, let’s
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The children were in the sea. They were playing on a cold day. Why? I don’t understand.
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It seems that they were having fun. Look, three, two, one, jump! Wow, they were jumping into
the sea. I am so curious what they were wearing. Do you know what they were wearing? Swimsuit,
very good! These two girls are wearing one-piece swim suit, and the boys are wearing trunks. So
when you go to swim, do you wear trunks or one-piece swim suit? I know, boys wear trunks, and
girls wear a one piece swim suit. Very good! But wait a minute, what was daddy wearing? Is that a
wig? I don’t think so, I think it is seaweed, and I think dad is dressed up as an aquaman, like the
king of the ocean, OK? And he is holding a trident made of wood. Funny! So they played in the
waves and dad made them laugh. But look at Kipper, Kipper is shivering.
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And then everyone was cold, of course, you can’t go swimming on a cold day. What should
they do? I think they need to, look, this is the solution. They are wrapping themselves in towels.
Look, they two are cuddling together in a very big green towel. This is somebody, I think this is
Wilma. What’s wrong with Kipper? Kipper was so cold that his face turned purple. Oh, no! Kipper
was very cold, but it seems that daddy was OK. Daddy looks happy.
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And then, everyone wanted to jog. Why? When they were cold, the should go home. Why did
they want to jog? Well, when you are really cold, actually, jogging is a good way, because when
you jog, you get your blood pumping and this can warm your whole body up. So let’s jog!
Everyone wanted to jog. Wow, I am sweating after jogging a little bit. So daddy, I think you need
to put on your shoes, so Wilma is running after daddy! But why wasn’t Kipper putting on clothes.
Yes, I think maybe because Kipper didn’t want to jog, he would prefer to sit down. So Kipper sat
on the rug.
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Come on, Kipper! Said mummy. Kipper, come on, let’s go jogging. But Kipper said, no, I hate
jogging. Kipper wrapped himself in three layers of towels. Yes, three layers. But still I don’t think
it is gonna work. I am too cold, said Kipper.And everyone else went jogging.
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They not only jogged but also played baseball. Look, this is a bat, and he is a batter. The batter
should hit the ball. And he is a pitcher, he will throw the ball. And then bang, look, this ball was
hit into the ocean. Come on, Kipper, come! But Kipper was still there shivering and chattering. I
am too cold, I still don’t want to move.
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Come and help, said everyone, let’s dig! When you are cold, remember, keep moving, and
then you will feel really warm, OK? They are digging with the shovel, and they are carrying a
bucket of sand. What is dad doing? Dad is wring water out of his rope. But why? When did he get
wet? At this moment, daddy was leaning backwards, daddy fell into the sea. Lovely! I am too cold.
Oh, my gosh!
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Vroom, vroom, vroom, here came an ice cream van. Wow, ice cream van! I want to go and
buy some ice cream. But wait a moment, Susan, it is a very cold day. On a second thought,
probably I don’t want to eat an ice cream. Do you want to eat an ice cream on a cold day? No, you
will get sick, right? But Kipper didn’t think so. Ice cream, said Kipper. He ran to the van. And he
ran so fast, my gosh, he left a trail of towels on sand. So I have a question, do you think Kipper
was cold or not cold? When you are cold, you shouldn’t eat ice cream.
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But Kipper doesn’t care about it. Kipper loves ice cream so much, and actually the ice cream
took his attention away from the coldness. Now he doesn’t think of his cold anymore, he just
wants to eat the ice cream. So everyone looked at Kipper. I am not that cold, he said. Naughty!
But actually I found something very funny. Look at the names of the ice cream, here we have
polar cap. What is a Polar Cap? That is the ice that covers the very cold region of the earth, like
the Antarctica and Arctic, wow, Polar Cap! Seems yummy! Here we have Arctic Rocket, wow, and
Kipper offered Arctic Rocket. And we have Perma frost, Perma frost means this piece of land is
permanently frozen and it is always covered with ice. That seems very cold. Sub Zero, that means
the temperature is so low that it is below zero, cold! And Snow Cone, you know that, snow, and
Icicle, when it is really cold, you can see icicles hanging from the roof. I love these names, and
which one do you want to eat, monkey? I think I want Arctic Rocket, because it seems to be made
of banana. Good idea! I think I will go with that too, because it seems so beautiful. Alright!
So let’s read this book from the beginning to the end one more time.
Susan, are you still very cold? Well, I don’t think so because look, I get so sweaty and hot from
reading the story, I think I need to buy some ice cream.
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