#句型#名詞句型是 is

共87本書 ·86本有推薦語 適合男孩 , 中文書
【陳述】代詞 be sth.
【否定】代詞 be+not sth.
【一般疑問】be 代詞 sth?
【否定一般疑問】be+not 代詞 sth?
【特殊疑問句】what be 代詞?
【否定特殊疑問句】what be+not it?
【有】There be sth.【there be句型比較特殊暫放這里】
【是】 代詞 be sth.
It/They/This/These/That/Those/Here be sth.
I am xx. You are xx. He/She is xx.
This is my mom. My mom likes to dig.
Here is my lunch.
Here is the pot for the soup.
What's this? This is a rabbit. It is a chick.
What's that? That is a dog.
Is it an apple? No, it isn't an apple.
It is my key. It isn't mine.
She is my mom.
This is a little pet. It is a mouse.
This animal is a horse.
I am a little cat.
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